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OPT4001: Difference between OPT4001-Q1 and OPT3001-Q1

Part Number: OPT4001
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPT3001-Q1, , OPT3001

Hello Team,

Our customer want to know about following points between OPT4001-Q1 and OPT3001-Q1.

  1. Package and pin assignment compatibility
  2. Operating temp and voltage condition(Can both device support 3.3V -40~105C condition?)
  3. The difference at register map
  4. Other performances.

Would you provide answer for those points?

This questions is from that they considered our device but the minimum conversion time(100ms) at OPT3001-Q1 may not meet their system requirement.
Therefore they are considering to replace other device so they want to confirm about difference between OPT3001-Q1 and OPT4001-Q1.

For 1, I think there isn't any difference between both device.

For 2, I think it is also there isn't any difference.

For 3, We can use same device address for I2C but almost all of register are difference.
0x00 register seems that the only compatible register but I cannot make sure about whether we can use same software to read data.

For 4. I found following performance comparison but please let me know if there is other difference.







Active Diode area

0.4mm X 0.3mm

0.4mm X 0.3mm

Conversion Time

600uS to 800mS programmable 12 steps

100ms & 800ms

Resolution bits

4 Range bits

9 to 20 bits resolution

4 Range bits

12 bits resolution

Resolution in Lux

312.5uLux @ 800mS

2.5mLux @ 100mS

160mLux @ 1.8mS

10mLux @ 800ms

80mLux @ 100ms

Dynamic Range

83kLux Saturation

83kLux Saturation

Active Power

30uA @ 3.3V

1.8uA to 3.7uA @ 3.3V

Best regards,
Kazuki Kuramochi

  • Hi Kuramochi-san,

    The table you provided highlights most of the key differences between OPT3001-Q1 and OPT4001-Q1. In the table you provided OPT3001-Q1 and OPT4001-Q1 have a dynamic range of 83kLux. However, OPT4001-Q1 provides higher dynamic range of 437.5µLux - 117kLux. The OPT4001-Q1 also provides a better IR rejection. The registers are quite different, so you would have to change software to adopt the OPT4001-Q1.

    If a faster conversion time is a key requirement for your customer than I would propose the OPT4001-Q1 as a solution.

