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For capturing ADC data from xWR sensors, what are the differences between using Studio CLI tool and DCA1000 CLI commands available in mmWave studio (explained in SDK user guide as well)?
Thank you
Hello Gaytri,
Can you point me out to specific which DCA CLI commands you are referring to here?
Saswat Kumar
CLI commands mentioned under "mmWave demo with LVDS-based instrumentation" Section in
Hello Gayatri,
As mentioned, the AWR294x does not have support for the Studio cli currently.
For more information on DCA cli commands I would request you to refer: TI_DCA1000EVM_CLI_Software_UserGuide.pdf preset under mmWaveStudio\ReferenceCode\DCA1000\Docs
Saswat Kumar
This is more of a general query, say for the board IWR6843ISK where studio CLI and DCA1000 CLI are both supported, what is the advantage of using one over the other?
Hello Gayatri,
The IWR6843 is 60 Ghnz band and is for industrial applciation where as AWR2944 work on the 77 Ghz band for the automotive application.
It purely depends on your use case.
Saswat kumar
Hi Saswat,
I am not looking for differences between the devices. To read ADC data for xWREVMS I believe there are 3 approaches
1. mmWave Studio GUI
2. DCA cli commands (TI_DCA1000EVM_CLI_Software_UserGuide.pdf preset under mmWaveStudio\ReferenceCode\DCA1000\Docs)
3. Studio CLI
I am trying to understand the differences between the above 3 approaches
Hello Gayatri,
Here is a brief overview of the 3 tools that are available:
Saswat Kumar
Hi Saswat,
Thanks for the response. Few follow up questions
1. For mmWave studio, you mentioned "Configure the front end throughout the full extent of the mmWave Link using the ar1 APIs". If I use OOB demo, configure the radar using configuration commands mentioned in the mmWave SDK user guide and use DCA CLI commands to read data, what all configurations will I miss out?
2. For DCA CLI commands, "This cannot configure the mmWave device such as xWR1843", In mmWave SDK 3.6 user guide which is applicable for 1843, LVDS based instrumentation using DCA CLI commands is mentioned. Can you please check this again?
3. Which all xWR boards support DCA CLI commands? Is there a plan to add support for the non-supported boards?
4. I would also like to understand as a user what all features will be missed out in using each approach?
Hello Gayatri,
1) The studio is used mostly for evaluation of the device by the user. It is a GUI and the user will not have to go through the trouble of using the mmwavelink link api and write a custom application for configuring the rf front end. You can do it using demo as well it is upto you at the end of the day. The people use the mmwave SDK demo as a final application according to their use case, as with the application you get more control over your entire signal processing chain as well.
2) As mentioned above, if using the AWR1843, you will be loading some other application which streams data over LVDS to DCA1000 EVM, in that case you will require some application to configure the DCA1000 EVM, that is where DCA CLI come into play. It is used only to configure the DCA1000.
I would highly recommend you to go through TI_DCA1000EVM_CLI_Software_UserGuide.pdf present in the studio for actually understanding it in depth.
3) DCA CLI is only for the DCA FPGA not for the xWR device.
4)All 3 are not comparable at all. DCA1000 CLI is solely for the DCA1000 FPGA.
Mmwave studio is a GUI for evaluation used by customers who want to only evaluate the device and not write a custom application for the front end and want to visualize the processed output.
The Studio CLI is a combination of both these together:
When I say extent of usage is limited that means all the api options will not be available by default, you may need to modify it based on your usecase.
I would highly recommend you to first try these out yourselves, so you actually can understand what the 3 softwares are. The hands on will clear quite a lot of the doubt in my opinion.
Saswat Kumar