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IWR6843ISK-ODS: Vital Signs GUI source code...

Part Number: IWR6843ISK-ODS
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843ISK, IWR6843

I'm trying to recompile the Vital Signs GUI demo under C:\ti\mmwave_industrial_toolbox_4_12_0\labs\Vital_Signs\68xx_vital_signs\gui\gui_source.  It looks to be a QT project, which I've downloaded and installed on a development system I'm using.  Trying to rebuild the VitalSignsRadar_Demo I got an error about a missing library for serialports, but I was able to resolve that by adding in the library using the QT maintenance tool.  Now it's complaining about a missing QtGui/QOpenGLFramebufferObject:No such file or directory in qcustomplot.h:70:12 which looks to be:

#  include <QtGui/QOpenGLFramebufferObject>

I cannot find any reference to this library in QT.

The code looks like it was developed using an older version 5.  I'm currently using 6.6.0.  I could use some help finding the appropriate library for the code.

Best Regards,

-Tom Grounds

  • Hi Tom Grounds,

    Please use the below binary for Vital signs with IWR6843ISK


    You can access the Radar tool box from the below link

    You can use the GUI at the following location


    Select IWR6843 as the device in the visualizer and Vital signs with people tracking as the demo

    It is a python based visualizer. You can modify the python script based on your requirement


  • I'm able to get to the link, but the Industrial_Visualizer appears to refer to launching:

    Launch the visualizer:

    • Navigate to <RADAR_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_DIR>\tools\visualizers\Industrial_Visualizer
    • Run mmWave_Industrial_Visualizer.exe
    • It should take 5 - 10 seconds to startup.

    There doesn't seem to be any link to actual python code or runtime anywhere, and <RADAR_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_DIR> is a bit ambiguous.  If I search on that under IWR6843, the system says it can't find anything.


  • Hi Tom,

    Abhishek will respond when he returns to office. In the meantime, are you using the most recent toolbox? I see the visualizer right here. You need to download the toolbox like this.

