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TMP235-Q1: Inquiries about ADC connection and response speed

Part Number: TMP235-Q1

Hi, TI support team

We are considering using the TMP235AEDCKRQ1 product.

We are trying to detect through the AD port of the MCU without using a separate ADC. When using this product, do you generally use the MCU's AD port? Is it possible to use the MCU's AD port?

Is there a reference guide that can detect temperature faster when using this product?

We plan to apply it to a device for detecting up to 150 degrees (a device worn by firefighters).

If there is a more suitable product, please recommend it.




  • Hi MJ,

    The main consideration to take in terms of using an MCU integrated ADC is resolution and noise floor. If the parameters of the integrated ADC are acceptable in your application, you can follow the recommendations from the datasheet to interface with the ADC (see below). The TMP235AEDCKRQ1 can drive a max capactive load of 1000pF. We recommend choosing Cfilter to be: Cfilter = 1000pF - Csample - Cmux to minimize noise and sampling error while maintaining the capactive load at the maximum level.

    In terms of response time, the TMP235AEDCKRQ1 is rated for 1.3s at 63% from 30°C to 125°C. Which yields around 13.7ms/°C. This will be highly dependant on layout and setup conditions. To improve response time, it is important to consider reducing the thermal mass and decouple the device from any unwanted sources of heat. 

    Example measuring ambient temperature:

    Example monitoring on-board IC temperature:

    These lapyout techniques and recommendations are described in the following document: 

    Best regards,

    Simon Rojas