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TMAG5253: Datasheet Question

Part Number: TMAG5253
  1. If a VOUT of EN > H product and  VOUT of EN < L product are connected to the same output line, will the output voltage be VQ at B=0MT? (Datasheet 9.1.4 Design with multiple sensors)
  2. Does ROUT affect the output voltage of the product? (Couldn't confirm the ROUT formula on the datasheet.) What is ROUT used for?
  3. It says in the DS(8.4) that "When the EN pin is tied to GND, the TMAG5253 enters an ultra-low power shutdown mode that consumes only 20-nA current. During the shutdown mode, the OUT pin is driven to a high-impedance state.". Could you explain what kind of state is high-impedance state?
  • Hello Ryo,

    1.If both devices are connected together with a 100k pull-down resistor like in figure 9-1 of the datasheet, you should see the output voltage at Vq  if B=0mT.

    2. If you are referring to the internal Rout defined in the EC table, then yes ROUT can affect the voltage, especially if you have a very small resistance connected to out while either device is active.  To guarantee the device operates within the bounds of the output continuous current specification,  the resistance connected to the output should be greater than 3.6V/1mA = 3.6KΩ.  If your resistance drops below this value, the device may suffer linearity issue as the output tries to exceed to recommended max current.

     If by Rout you are actually referring to the external pulldown and are asking as to whether an external pulldown resistor is necessary, I would say yes.  There are parasitic capacitances building up charge that could influence the measurement.  A pull down provides a path for this charge to dissipate and not influence the measurement of the enabled device.

    3. For a high impedance state, the output is neither pulled high or low, simply a very high impedance is obstructing its path. When disabled, the device provides a typical output resistance of 9MΩ. We recommend to use an external pull-down resistor (100Kohms) at VOUT to make sure any charge store at VOUT will be discharged.

     In an application that is using two or more devices, the devices that are in the high impedance state won’t be able to drive the output. Only the active device will drive the OUTPUT. We expect you can connect up to 50 assuming each device contributes 20pF of load capacitance , but it’s important to have only one device active (EN=HIGH) at a time. The high impedance allows to have many device connected to the same ADC, but only one device is controlling the pin.