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AWR1843: SNR data from AWR1843

Part Number: AWR1843


I am using a AWR1843 based mistral radar. The following python code is being used to get and log data from the radar. How do I get and log the SNR data along with this 

import serial
import time
import numpy as np
import datetime

# Change the configuration file name
configFileName = 'AWR1843config.cfg'

CLIport = {}
Dataport = {}
byteBuffer = np.zeros(2**15, dtype='uint8')
byteBufferLength = 0
detObj = {}  # Initialize detObj globally for update function

# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Function to configure the serial ports and send the data from
# the configuration file to the radar
def serialConfig(configFileName):
    global CLIport, Dataport
    # Open the serial ports for the configuration and the data ports
    # Raspberry pi
    #CLIport = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 115200)
    #Dataport = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM1', 921600)
    # Windows
    CLIport = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200)
    Dataport = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1', 921600)

    # Read the configuration file and send it to the board
    config = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in open(configFileName)]
    for i in config:
    return CLIport, Dataport

# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Function to parse the data inside the configuration file
def parseConfigFile(configFileName):
    configParameters = {} # Initialize an empty dictionary to store the configuration parameters
    # Read the configuration file and send it to the board
    config = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in open(configFileName)]
    for i in config:
        # Split the line
        splitWords = i.split(" ")
        # Hard code the number of antennas, change if other configuration is used
        numRxAnt = 4
        numTxAnt = 3
        # Get the information about the profile configuration
        if "profileCfg" in splitWords[0]:
            startFreq = int(float(splitWords[2]))
            idleTime = int(splitWords[3])
            rampEndTime = float(splitWords[5])
            freqSlopeConst = float(splitWords[8])
            numAdcSamples = int(splitWords[10])
            numAdcSamplesRoundTo2 = 1
            while numAdcSamples > numAdcSamplesRoundTo2:
                numAdcSamplesRoundTo2 = numAdcSamplesRoundTo2 * 2
            digOutSampleRate = int(splitWords[11])
        # Get the information about the frame configuration    
        elif "frameCfg" in splitWords[0]:
            chirpStartIdx = int(splitWords[1])
            chirpEndIdx = int(splitWords[2])
            numLoops = int(splitWords[3])
            numFrames = int(splitWords[4])
            framePeriodicity = float(splitWords[5])

    # Combine the read data to obtain the configuration parameters          
    numChirpsPerFrame = (chirpEndIdx - chirpStartIdx + 1) * numLoops
    configParameters["numDopplerBins"] = numChirpsPerFrame / numTxAnt
    configParameters["numRangeBins"] = numAdcSamplesRoundTo2
    configParameters["rangeResolutionMeters"] = (3e8 * digOutSampleRate * 1e3) / (2 * freqSlopeConst * 1e12 * numAdcSamples)
    configParameters["rangeIdxToMeters"] = (3e8 * digOutSampleRate * 1e3) / (2 * freqSlopeConst * 1e12 * configParameters["numRangeBins"])
    configParameters["dopplerResolutionMps"] = 3e8 / (2 * startFreq * 1e9 * (idleTime + rampEndTime) * 1e-6 * configParameters["numDopplerBins"] * numTxAnt)
    configParameters["maxRange"] = (300 * 0.9 * digOutSampleRate)/(2 * freqSlopeConst * 1e3)
    configParameters["maxVelocity"] = 3e8 / (4 * startFreq * 1e9 * (idleTime + rampEndTime) * 1e-6 * numTxAnt)
    return configParameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Function to read and parse the incoming data
def readAndParseData18xx(Dataport, configParameters):
    global byteBuffer, byteBufferLength
    # Constants
    maxBufferSize = 2**15
    tlvHeaderLengthInBytes = 8
    pointLengthInBytes = 16
    magicWord = [2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7]
    # Initialize variables
    magicOK = 0 # Checks if magic number has been read
    dataOK = 0 # Checks if the data has been read correctly
    frameNumber = 0
    readBuffer =
    byteVec = np.frombuffer(readBuffer, dtype='uint8')
    byteCount = len(byteVec)
    # Initialize detObj with default values
    detObj = {"numObj": 0, "x": np.array([]), "y": np.array([]), "z": np.array([]), "velocity": np.array([])}

    # Check that the buffer is not full, and then add the data to the buffer
    if (byteBufferLength + byteCount) < maxBufferSize:
        byteBuffer[byteBufferLength:byteBufferLength + byteCount] = byteVec[:byteCount]
        byteBufferLength = byteBufferLength + byteCount
    # Check that the buffer has some data
    if byteBufferLength > 16:
        # Check for all possible locations of the magic word
        possibleLocs = np.where(byteBuffer == magicWord[0])[0]

        # Confirm that is the beginning of the magic word and store the index in startIdx
        startIdx = []
        for loc in possibleLocs:
            check = byteBuffer[loc:loc+8]
            if np.all(check == magicWord):
        # Check that startIdx is not empty
        if startIdx:
            # Remove the data before the first start index
            if startIdx[0] > 0 and startIdx[0] < byteBufferLength:
                byteBuffer[:byteBufferLength-startIdx[0]] = byteBuffer[startIdx[0]:byteBufferLength]
                byteBuffer[byteBufferLength-startIdx[0]:] = np.zeros(len(byteBuffer[byteBufferLength-startIdx[0]:]), dtype='uint8')
                byteBufferLength = byteBufferLength - startIdx[0]
            # Check that there have no errors with the byte buffer length
            if byteBufferLength < 0:
                byteBufferLength = 0
            # word array to convert 4 bytes to a 32 bit number
            word = [1, 2**8, 2**16, 2**24]
            # Read the total packet length
            totalPacketLen = np.matmul(byteBuffer[12:12+4], word)
            # Check that all the packet has been read
            if (byteBufferLength >= totalPacketLen) and (byteBufferLength != 0):
                magicOK = 1
    # If magicOK is equal to 1 then process the message
    if magicOK:
        # word array to convert 4 bytes to a 32 bit number
        word = [1, 2**8, 2**16, 2**24]
        # Initialize the pointer index
        idX = 0
        # Read the header
        magicNumber = byteBuffer[idX:idX+8]
        idX += 8
        version = format(np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word), 'x')
        idX += 4
        totalPacketLen = np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word)
        idX += 4
        platform = format(np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word), 'x')
        idX += 4
        frameNumber = np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word)
        idX += 4
        timeCpuCycles = np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word)
        idX += 4
        numDetectedObj = np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word)
        idX += 4
        numTLVs = np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word)
        idX += 4
        subFrameNumber = np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word)
        idX += 4

        # Read the TLV messages
        for tlvIdx in range(numTLVs):
            # word array to convert 4 bytes to a 32 bit number
            word = [1, 2**8, 2**16, 2**24]

            # Check the header of the TLV message
            tlv_type = np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word)
            idX += 4
            tlv_length = np.matmul(byteBuffer[idX:idX+4], word)
            idX += 4

            # Read the data depending on the TLV message
            if tlv_type == MMWDEMO_UART_MSG_DETECTED_POINTS:

                # Initialize the arrays
                x = np.zeros(numDetectedObj, dtype=np.float32)
                y = np.zeros(numDetectedObj, dtype=np.float32)
                z = np.zeros(numDetectedObj, dtype=np.float32)
                velocity = np.zeros(numDetectedObj, dtype=np.float32)
                for objectNum in range(numDetectedObj):
                    # Read the data for each object
                    x[objectNum] = byteBuffer[idX:idX + 4].view(dtype=np.float32)
                    idX += 4
                    y[objectNum] = byteBuffer[idX:idX + 4].view(dtype=np.float32)
                    idX += 4
                    z[objectNum] = byteBuffer[idX:idX + 4].view(dtype=np.float32)
                    idX += 4
                    velocity[objectNum] = byteBuffer[idX:idX + 4].view(dtype=np.float32)
                    idX += 4
                # Store the data in the detObj dictionary
                detObj = {"numObj": numDetectedObj, "x": x, "y": y, "z": z, "velocity": velocity}
                dataOK = 1
        timestamp ="%H:%M:%S.%f")  
        # Write received data to a log file
        with open('Mistral_log.txt', 'a') as log_file:
            # log_file.write("Timestamp: {}\n".format(timestamp))
            log_file.write("Frame Number: {}\n".format(frameNumber))
            log_file.write("Number of Detected Objects: {}\n".format(numDetectedObj))
            for obj_idx in range(numDetectedObj):
                log_file.write("Timestamp: {}\n".format(timestamp))
                log_file.write("Object {}:\n".format(obj_idx))
                log_file.write("    x: {}\n".format(detObj["x"][obj_idx]))
                log_file.write("    y: {}\n".format(detObj["y"][obj_idx]))
                log_file.write("    z: {}\n".format(detObj["z"][obj_idx]))
                log_file.write("    velocity: {}\n".format(detObj["velocity"][obj_idx]))

        # Remove already processed data
        if idX > 0 and byteBufferLength > idX:
            shiftSize = totalPacketLen
            byteBuffer[:byteBufferLength - shiftSize] = byteBuffer[shiftSize:byteBufferLength]
            byteBuffer[byteBufferLength - shiftSize:] = np.zeros(len(byteBuffer[byteBufferLength - shiftSize:]), dtype='uint8')
            byteBufferLength = byteBufferLength - shiftSize
            # Check that there are no errors with the buffer length
            if byteBufferLength < 0:
                byteBufferLength = 0        

    return dataOK, frameNumber, detObj

# -------------------------    MAIN   -----------------------------------------  

# Configurate the serial port
CLIport, Dataport = serialConfig(configFileName)

# Get the configuration parameters from the configuration file
configParameters = parseConfigFile(configFileName)

    while True:
        # Read and parse the received data
        readAndParseData18xx(Dataport, configParameters)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Keyboard interrupt detected. Exiting program.")
    # Close the serial ports

 Also attaching below my .cfg config file for reference.

% ***************************************************************
% Created for SDK ver:03.05
% Created using Visualizer ver:
% Frequency:77
% Platform:xWR18xx
% Scene Classifier:best_range_res
% Azimuth Resolution(deg):15
% Range Resolution(m):0.044
% Maximum unambiguous Range(m):9.02
% Maximum Radial Velocity(m/s):1
% Radial velocity resolution(m/s):0.13
% Frame Duration(msec):100
% RF calibration data:None
% Range Detection Threshold (dB):15
% Doppler Detection Threshold (dB):15
% Range Peak Grouping:enabled
% Doppler Peak Grouping:enabled
% Static clutter removal:disabled
% Angle of Arrival FoV: Full FoV
% Range FoV: Full FoV
% Doppler FoV: Full FoV
% ***************************************************************
dfeDataOutputMode 1
channelCfg 15 5 0
adcCfg 2 1
adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1
profileCfg 0 77 429 7 57.14 0 0 70 1 256 5209 0 0 30
chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
frameCfg 0 1 16 0 100 1 0
lowPower 0 0
guiMonitor -1 1 1 0 0 0 1
cfarCfg -1 0 2 8 4 3 0 15 1
cfarCfg -1 1 0 4 2 3 1 15 1
multiObjBeamForming -1 1 0.5
clutterRemoval -1 0
calibDcRangeSig -1 0 -5 8 256
extendedMaxVelocity -1 0
lvdsStreamCfg -1 0 0 0
compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0.0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
measureRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0 1.5 0.2
CQRxSatMonitor 0 3 5 121 0
CQSigImgMonitor 0 127 4
analogMonitor 0 0
aoaFovCfg -1 -90 90 -90 90
cfarFovCfg -1 0 0 8.92
cfarFovCfg -1 1 -1 1.00
calibData 0 0 0