TMCS1123: Output accuracy in low current

Part Number: TMCS1123



Customer wants to know our accuracy in low current application.

For 500mA input current, Could TMCS112X support error less than 3%?

Thank you,

Yishan Chen 

  • Hello Yishan, 

    Thank you for your post.

    The TMCS112x Family of devices has accuracy specifications optimized for higher input currents.

    To achieve 3% error at 500mA will be difficult.

    I ran the calculations on page 29 of the datasheet and the highest accuracy will occur when you calibrate both offset and sensitivity over temperature. 

    After doing these calibrations, then the error can be as low as 4% to 5%. 

    I would also need to know the following to give you a more accurate error:

    • Supply Voltage
    • Maximum Common mode voltage on the inputs
    • Min and Max temp
    • The strength of any external magnetic fields (BEXT)

    I would suggest that you go through the error calculations and see how the input current affects the errors. What you will notice is that offset error is the most critical error at low input currents and the sensitivity error is the dominating error at higher input currents. 

    I hope this helps,
