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TDC1011 Current consumption

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDC1011, TDC1000

Hi All,

Being a novice, I'm a bit confused about TDC1011 current consumption. First page of the datasheet says operating current is 1.8uA (2SPS) where as sixth page of datahseet stays supply current requirement is 6.2mA when LNA, PGA and chip all are active. According to me, IC will take 6.2mA but then what is that operating current given at page number 1. Moreover, what is 2SPS?

One more query. TDC1011 will give 22mARMS to piezoelectric disc. Will IC take more current from the battery when driving the piezo disc?

Thanks in advance.

  • Rahul,

    SPS is samples per second. At 2SPS measurement rate, the average current assuming TDC1011 is active only during TOF measurement is 1.8uA. It is assumed TDC1011 is in sleep mode otherwise. Only during receive mode on time (receive mode on time is typically equal to TOF), 6.2mA is needed.

    Yes, for the transmit duration when device is driving the transducer (say 4 pulses at 1MHz), it is drawing 22mA.

  • Also, note in actual calculation for 4 pulses at 1MHz, the average TX on time per measurement is 2us (4 x 1us x 0.5) and this is the time 22mA is drawn, not the entire 4us. Thanks.
  • Hi Vishy,

    Thanks a lot for this information. Please check this calculation once-

    For 1 hr if continuously transmitting, power drawn from battery= 22mAh

    For 1 sec, power drawn= 22/3600mAsec.

    Let's assume, the TDC1011 will be transmitting 40 times a day, so total average TX on time will be 2uS*40= 80uS.

    So for 80uS, power drawn from battery= 80*[22/(3600*10^6)]mA/day or 0.48nA/day

    For Rx power consumption,

    Lets assume my TOF is 300uS.

    For 1 hr if continuously receiving, power drawn from battery= 6.2mAh

    For 1 sec, power drawn= 6.2/3600mAsec.

    Let's assume, the TDC1011 will be receiving 40 times a day, so total average TX on time will be 300uS*40= 12000uS.

    So for 12000uS, power drawn from battery= 12000*[6.2/(3600*10^6)]mA/day or 0.02uA/day

    Lets assume, for the remaining time in a day, TDC will be in sleep mode, so power consumption will be ~

    For 1 hr if in sleep, power drawn from battery= .61uA

    for 24 hrs, power consumption= 24*.61= 14.64uA/day.

    So total power consumption a day will not be more than= 14.66 or 15uA/ day.

    Is this calculation right or I am missing something?

    Please suggest.

  • Hi Vishy, Can you please let me know if my calculation is fine?
  • Please see below an example calculation spreadsheet for TDC1000 average current. Thanks.
