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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMT01, LMT01EVM

I have a question about LMT01 GUI.

We can set "Graph Measure Period(ms)".

What is  "Graph Measure Period(ms)"?

Best Regards,

Y. Hirata

  • Hi Yoshihiro,

    I'm moving this thread to the Temperature Sensor Forum so you can get better help.

    Best regards,
    Caleb Overbay
  • Hi Yoshifiro-san,

    Yes you can set the value of "Graph Measure Period(ms)", but the device is required at least 100ms for the device output the temperature (50ms for converting and 50ms for transmitting). The "Graph Measure Period(ms)" is an user enter parameter of the graph resolution. One data point on the graph corresponds to one temperature reading or pulse count in the time interval specified in the
    “Graph Measure Period (ms)"

    Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have further question.

  • Dear Aaron-san,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I understood what this value.

    I have a LMT01EVM.
    I tryed set "Graph Measure Period(ms)" with a few value at decimel.
    But data plot periods didn't change on the graph.

    <Graph Measure Period(ms) setting>
    Graph Measure Period(ms): 100 -> We could not set this value. It become 150 after setting 100.
    Graph Measure Period(ms): 150 -> I think it is minimum value.
    Graph Measure Period(ms): 65535 -> It is maxmum value. It become 65535 after setting 100000.

    Do this problem occur by FW Revision and GUI Revision?
    FW Revision and GUI Revision installed my computer is follows.

    FW Revision: 1.19
    GIU revision:

    And GUI say "Firmware Revision 1.19 detected. GUI needs Revision 1.21 or later. Update to ther latest fiemware in install falder bia debug tab firmware udpate button" when GUI wakeup.
    So I am searching it. However I can't find GUI Revision 1.21 or later yet.

    If you have other advice, plz let me know.

    Best Regards,
    Y. Hirata
  • Hi Yoshihiro-san,

    As I mentioned on previous posted, LMT01 take a fixed amount of time conversion (50ms), plus fixed max amount of time to read out the data (50ms) and I think 50ms to get started, 150ms is the minimum. The additional 50ms allows to stabilize since we are using GPIO to power up the LMT01. The fixed times it takes to get 1 data, whatever other time chosen on the GUI, the labview code tries to get the data as fast as the device can provide (subject 150ms minimum set by the device). It doesn’t slow it down any more.


    The latest firmware is bundled with the latest software available at I would suggest using the lastest released since we fixed some of the issue.


    Latest software can be downloaded from here.



    Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have further question.



  • Dear Arone-san,

    Before question about "Save Graph Data" becomed clear.
    So I removed the post.

    I have some question about a package of LMT01.
    LMT01 have a short pin between VP pin and VN pin.
    We call center pin.(See attached file)

    1. Do occer any problem when center pin shorted to other power supply and GND?
    2. Do occer any problem when VP (or VN) and center pin shorted?
    3. Do occer any problem when we cut center pin?

    We are considering connecting cables to VP and VN respectively.
    In this case, we are asking because there is a possibility that the center pin shorts somewhere.

    Best Regards,
    Y. Hirata

  • Dear Arone-san,

    Thank you for your supports.

    I added some question about package.
    Could you inform me of the current status of my questions?

    Best regards,
    Y. Hirata

  • Hi Yoshihiro-san,

    In the future, please do not remove your posted because your question might be valuable to other that has the same concern. Regarding to your previous posted, the LMT01 is sensing the temperature through device's package and its metal leads. So, please do not cut the center pin (pin 2) because the center pin is connected to a large leadframe inside where the die connects to the substrate with conductive material. Let me review on the database tomorrow, and will get back to you on question 1 and 2.


  • Dear Aaron-san,

    I'm sorry for removing my before a question.
    I never remove my question from next time.

    Please confirm the question of 1 and 2.
    If it is not recommended, please tell me why the reason is not recommended.
    We are considering to cut center pin of LMT01, if it relate only measurement response.

    Following is an additional question about your answer of 3.

    3-1. Do we should to use that center pin was contact on measurment-target?
    Currently, we will be considering to use that only mold compound of LMT01 is contacted to measurement-target.
    Could you have any advices?

    I'm sorry for the numerous questions and again to rush you.
    We must fix a LMT01 system tomorrow.
    I would like to ask for your continued support.

    Best Regards,
    Y. Hirata

    Best Regards,
    Y. Hirata

  • Hi Yoshihiro-san,

    I'm sorry for the delay. I drew the diagram for your information, attached is the leadframe diagram. As you can see the diagram, the majority contribution of the thermal path is the center pin as well as the VP and VN pins. I wouldn't recommend cutting the center pin flush down to the package because it could crack the mold compound and the thermal response to the temperature is slower than normal. This will also give a mechanical reliability problem when the die might detach from the metal plate.The thermal conductive is now reduced because the VP and VN only contribute with very small portion and via the gold bonding wire.  In assembly site, we use a special tool with heavy weight, sharp-edged, and fast speed to trim the center without damaging the package. However, if you want to cut center pin shorter, you can, but make sure you save some lead by not cutting too close to the package.

    The LMT01 substrate is connected to the large metal lead with very small resistance; therefore, it is not a good idea to connect the VP or VN to the center pin. This will create a short.
