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AWR1642: Initialize QSPI FLASH driver, and then system fails.

Part Number: AWR1642


I added the QSPI FLASH driver to the mmWaveSDK version, and built the mmWave binary successfully.

(Referece the code: driver\qspiflash\test\common\test_common.c and driver\qspiflash\test\xwr16xx\main.c)

After powering up the system, the system seems to be halted.

I check the QSPI FLASH initial code.

the DMA open function seems to initialize fail, as follows:



/* Open DMA driver instance 0 for SPI test */
gDmaHandle = DMA_open(0, &dmaParams, &retVal);



How to solve the DMA_open fails?


  • Hi,

    Please try to add further debug printfs() to better understand why the code hangs

    thank you
  • Hi,

    Can you also please let us know what application you are working on?

    This will help us understand your system better

    thank you
  • Hi Cesar,

    I use mmWave demo config in SDK v1.1.0.2.

    And qspiflash initial API to MmwDemo_mssInitTask() function in the "\demo\xwr16xx\mmw\mss\mss_main.c" file.

    When I added the driver and power up DUT, the mmWave demo can not print the message as follows:


    /* Create Demo Banner to be printed out by CLI */
                           "******************************************\n" \
                           "xWR16xx MMW Demo %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\n"  \


    But I removed the DMA_open() API, the message ""xWR16xx MMW Demo %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d" are prinnted on the console window.

    BTW, I want to write/read the customized data to the flash.


  • There is a white paper that illustrates how to add QSPI Flash capability to a project.  You can find it here:

    One possible cause of the failure is that your new calls are in main(), where they should be placed in a task.


  • Hi,

    So far, the device can use single write/read command to qspiflash.
    Also, the device can write/read data in memory mapped mode to qspiflash.

    The question is the device can not use DMA mode write/read data in Memory mapped mode.
    When I use "gDmaHandle = DMA_open(0, &dmaParams, &retVal);", the code would hangs.

    Are there any other related configures to do?

  • Hi,

    There is a related question about Memory_alloc() API.
    I use the "readDataArray = Memory_alloc (NULL, TEST_DATA_LENGTH, 64, NULL);" in the driver\qspiflash\test\common\test_common.c file, the code also hangs.

    And there is also the Memory_alloc() code in the DMA_open(0, &dmaParams, &retVal) API.

    If this is the issue, how could I do to resolve it?

  • Hi,

    After modifing the heapMemParams.size, the "DMA mode write/read data in Memory mapped mode" is worked.
