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TMP235: maximum Cload capacitance

Part Number: TMP235
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMT86

Hi team,

TMP235 is specified to drive up to 1000pF of Cload in the datasheet.

I would like to driver larger than 1000pF.

In that case is there recommended series Resistor such as Table 4 in LMT86 datasheet below?

If >1000pF is not allowed to drive, could you let me know what is the reason why it is not allowed.


  • Hello Shinji

    There is no such recommendation, that I am aware of. However if the requirement is to drive a larger load, then a precision op-amp would be needed on the output
  • Hello Shinji,

    In addition to what my colleague has said, the drive capability of the device is limited to 1000 pF because of the current limitations of the output driver of the device. Additionally, forcing the device to drive higher current loads could result in self-heating due to current and could alter the accuracy of the temperature sensor. The resistors are recommended along with the specified load values in order to maintain the stability of the output.

  • Hi Audrey,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I understand a purpose of the output resistor.
    Do you have a recommended resistor value to maintain the stability of the outpu just like
    The table 4 of LMT86 datasheet?
    Or could you advice the equation to calculate the resistor value?

  • Hi Shinji,

    You can follow the guidelines in the LMT86 datasheet, as these values correspond to the RC values themselves, not the specific output of the device.
