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Linux/IWR1443BOOST: TIDEP-01006:Enviroument of PC

Part Number: IWR1443BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDEP-01006

Tool/software: Linux

Dear Support Team;

I am trying TIDEP-01006.

Now, I am setting enviroument on my PC.

The following step done.

1.Installed Virtual Box on PC

2.Installed Ubuntu 14.04.05

3.Installed ROS(Indigo)

4.Installed Sitara SDK

5.Finished "2.2.2 Add and Enhance ROS Packages to Support Navigationin Processor SDK Linux" on "tiduek9a.pdf".

But, I don't understand the next step "2.2.3 Add ROS Packages to Enable mmWave in Processor SDK Linux".

Could you tell me how to get the following package and where to install?

- turtlebot_mmwave_launchers
- ti_mmwave_rospkg
- turtlebot_bringup
- turtlebot_description
- turtlebot_navigation

Best Regards,

 Masaaki Sugiyama

  • Hi Masaaki san,

    This question has been assigned to the PLSDK team and an expert should get back to you soon.

  • Hi Masaaki san,

    Section "2.2.3 Add ROS Packages to Enable mmWave in Processor SDK Linux" is more for the integration of mmWave ROS navigation in ProcSDK.

    Section 3 should be referred for the steps to run the demo.

    Several packages need to be copied from the AM5 filesystem to Ubuntu, which is documented in the TI design guide (Section
    The last step of the Ubuntu preparation is, copying the navigation demo packages from the AM57x target filesystem (located under /opt/ros/indigo/share/) to the Ubuntu Linux box (destination also /opt/ros/indigo/share/), including:

  • Dear Manisha-san;

    Thank you for your support.

    But I can not find the following AM57x target filesystem.

    /opt/ros/indigo/share/), including:

    I have basic questions.

    Do I need 2 users on Ubuntu?

    For example, one is AM5 enviroument, the other is ROS enviroument.

    - AM5 enviroument (user-ID A)

     install Ubuntu 14.04.05, ROS Indigo, Prosessor SDK

    - ROS enviroument (user-ID B)

     install Ubuntu 16.04.05, ROS Kinetic,mmWave ROS driver(Setup_GuideTI_mmWave_ROS_DriverSetup_Guide.pdf), Autonomous Robotics(Autonomous_Robotics_with_ROS_for_mmWave_Setup_Guide.pdf)

    Is it correct?

    Best Regards,

     Masaaki Sugiyama

  • Hi Sugiyama-san,

    Masaaki Sugiyama68 said:
    Do I need 2 users on Ubuntu?

    No, user-ID B is not needed at all. user-ID A is needed for Visualization on Ubuntu, while the ROS server and navigation stack are running on AM57x board.  You need to create an SD card and run Processor SDK Linux on AM5 EVM.  Installing the PLSDK installer on Ubuntu alone won't help. Check the getting started user guide on creating the SD card and running the EVM

    Masaaki Sugiyama68 said:

    But I can not find the following AM57x target filesystem.

    /opt/ros/indigo/share/), including:

    AM57x target filesystem means you need to look for those files in AM57x filesystem and not in your virtual linux box. Once you have installed the Processor SDK linux, you can go to the folder ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm-xx.xx.xx.xx\filesystem and extract the tisdk-rootfs-image-am57xx-evm.tar.xz file using following command -

    #cd ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm-xx.xx.xx.xx\filesystem

    #tar xvfJ tisdk-rootfs-image-am57xx-evm.tar.xz

    Once you have extracted the AM57x filesystem, you need to copy those file over to Ubuntu, as documented in the reference design guide:

    The last step of the Ubuntu preparation is, copying the navigation demo packages from the AM57x target filesystem (located under /opt/ros/indigo/share/) to the Ubuntu Linux box (destination also /opt/ros/indigo/share/), including:





