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AMC80: Question about Clock/Data input rise/fall time

Part Number: AMC80

Hi team,

    My customer tested several AMC80 chips and found the clock/data input rise/fall time would be 500-600ns in their system. But from the datasheet, Max input rise/fall time is 300ns. Could you please help to share why it is not same with I2C standard? And whether 500-600ns time could also be used for AMC80? Thanks a lot!

Best Regards

Zhengquan Lu  

  • Hello Zhengquan,

    The AMC80 device is I2C compatible and not I2C compliant. Violating the max specification may not result in failiure on every part, but would not guarantee results on every part. The suggested workaround would be to make the pull resistors stronger to get to the required max specification.