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I'm following mmWave Studio userguide to control mmWave studio through an external software. Section 23 "Controlling mmWaveStudio from Matlab" gives sample code on how to control it with Matlab. My application requires to run with Python. So I'm following this sample code given in the user manual.
I'm able to follow it till line 42 but when I try executing line 43 in Python terminal, I get the error
RtttNetClientAPI.RtttNetClient.SendCommand('WriteToLog("Matlab\n", "green")')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: No method matches given arguments for SendCommand: (<class 'str'>)
I tried sending raw, string, bytes but nothing worked. Do you have any solution for this?
Hello Asher,
We don't have any way to control mmWave Studio using Python. Unfortunately at this time there is only support for MatLab. That being said, are you are able to control mmWave studio through MatLab?
Yes, the provided sample script works. But when I ask mmwave studio to run a script, the response I get is 30000 regardless of the script failed or succeeded. I don't have the cascade board with me presently so I edited the script to comment out all hardware interactions. I don't know if I'll get a different response while working with actual hardware
Hello Asher,
I think it would be good to work with the board itself and see the response. At this point I really can't comment without taking a look at the output log.
You can anyway create a new thread whenever you get access to the board and we can discuss your concern there.
If it's okay with you, can I close this thread for now? If you don't want to create a new thread and provided this thread is still unlocked, you can comment here and the issue will reopen again.
Opened a new thread here MMWAVE-STUDIO: Controlling Mmwave studio from Matlab returns the same error code regardless of the script...
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