Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1642
Hello Support Team,
I'm using AWR1642BOOST and the demo in SDK 3.5.
I'd like to compute the same Azimuth-Range Heatmap as in Demo Visualizer.
I receive the TLV of the Azimuth-Range Heatmap but I have somme issues of understanding it and computing the data.
I have read the code below:
function getAzimuthStaticHeatMap(payload, numTxAzimAnt, numRxAnt, numRangeBins, numAngleBins, nearEndCorr)
[r c] = size(payload);
payload = payload';
numVirtualAntenna = numTxAzimAnt * numRxAnt;
q = payload;
q = q(1:2:end)+q(2:2:end)*256;
q(q>32767) = q(q>32767) - 65536;
q = 1j*q(1:2:end)+q(2:2:end); %Imaginary first, real second
q = reshape(q, numVirtualAntenna, numRangeBins);
Q = fft(q, numAngleBins);
%Near field corrected
q1(5:8,:) = 0;
q2(1:4,:) = 0;
Q1 = fft(q1, numAngleBins);
Q2 = fft(q2, numAngleBins);
Qcorr = Q1 + Q2.* nearEndCorr;
Here is my question:
I understand 'payload' is the data(A-R heat map TLV) i receive from UART,but how can i know the right value of the other parameters?
And what is the meaning of nearEndCorr?
Looking forward to your reply!