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Part Number: IWR6843AOPEVM

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to parse the data from my IWR6843AOPEVM   serial port reading  with python. I want to get the range profile.

  • Hello Ukeme,

    Although this python script reads a data file and does not read the data serial port from the AOP EVM, you could easily modify it to do so. This script does parse the data and you can get the range profile as defined by the parseRangeProfile function. 

    import struct
    import sys
    import math
    # TODO 1: (NOW FIXED) Find the first occurrence of magic and start from there
    # TODO 2: Warn if we cannot parse a specific section and try to recover
    # TODO 3: Remove error at end of file if we have only fragment of TLV
    def tlvHeaderDecode(data):
        tlvType, tlvLength = struct.unpack('2I', data)
        return tlvType, tlvLength
    def parseDetectedObjects(data, tlvLength):
        numDetectedObj, xyzQFormat = struct.unpack('2H', data[:4])
        print("\tDetect Obj:\t%d "%(numDetectedObj))
        for i in range(numDetectedObj):
            print("\tObjId:\t%d "%(i))
            rangeIdx, dopplerIdx, peakVal, x, y, z = struct.unpack('3H3h', data[4+12*i:4+12*i+12])
            print("\t\tDopplerIdx:\t%d "%(dopplerIdx))
            print("\t\tRangeIdx:\t%d "%(rangeIdx))
            print("\t\tPeakVal:\t%d "%(peakVal))
            print("\t\tX:\t\t%07.3f "%(x*1.0/(1 << xyzQFormat)))
            print("\t\tY:\t\t%07.3f "%(y*1.0/(1 << xyzQFormat)))
            print("\t\tZ:\t\t%07.3f "%(z*1.0/(1 << xyzQFormat)))
            print("\t\tRange:\t\t%07.3fm"%(math.sqrt(pow((x*1.0/(1 << xyzQFormat)),2) + pow((y*1.0/(1 << xyzQFormat)),2) )))
    def parseRangeProfile(data, tlvLength):
        for i in range(256):
            rangeProfile = struct.unpack('H', data[2*i:2*i+2])
            print("\tRangeProf[%d]:\t%07.3f "%(i, rangeProfile[0] * 1.0 * 6 / 8  / (1 << 8)))
        print("\tTLVType:\t%d "%(2))
    def parseStats(data, tlvLength):
        interProcess, transmitOut, frameMargin, chirpMargin, activeCPULoad, interCPULoad = struct.unpack('6I', data[:24])
        print("\tOutputMsgStats:\t%d "%(6))
        print("\t\tChirpMargin:\t%d "%(chirpMargin))
        print("\t\tFrameMargin:\t%d "%(frameMargin))
        print("\t\tInterCPULoad:\t%d "%(interCPULoad))
        print("\t\tActiveCPULoad:\t%d "%(activeCPULoad))
        print("\t\tTransmitOut:\t%d "%(transmitOut))
        print("\t\tInterprocess:\t%d "%(interProcess))
    def tlvHeader(data):
        while data:
            headerLength = 36
                magic, version, length, platform, frameNum, cpuCycles, numObj, numTLVs = struct.unpack('Q7I', data[:headerLength])
                print "Improper TLV structure found: ", (data,)
            print("Packet ID:\t%d "%(frameNum))
            print("Version:\t%x "%(version))
            print("TLV:\t\t%d "%(numTLVs))
            print("Detect Obj:\t%d "%(numObj))
            print("Platform:\t%X "%(platform))
    	if version > 0x01000005:
    	    subFrameNum = struct.unpack('I', data[36:40])[0]
    	    headerLength = 40
    	    print("Subframe:\t%d "%(subFrameNum))
            pendingBytes = length - headerLength
            data = data[headerLength:]
            for i in range(numTLVs):
                tlvType, tlvLength = tlvHeaderDecode(data[:8])
                data = data[8:]
                if (tlvType == 1):
                    parseDetectedObjects(data, tlvLength)
                elif (tlvType == 2):
                    parseRangeProfile(data, tlvLength)
                elif (tlvType == 6):
                    parseStats(data, tlvLength)
                    print("Unidentified tlv type %d"%(tlvType))
                data = data[tlvLength:]
                pendingBytes -= (8+tlvLength)
            data = data[pendingBytes:]
            yield length, frameNum
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        if len(sys.argv) != 2:
            print("Usage: inputFile.bin")
        fileName = sys.argv[1]
        rawDataFile = open(fileName, "rb")
        rawData =
        magic = b'\x02\x01\x04\x03\x06\x05\x08\x07'
        offset = rawData.find(magic)
        rawData = rawData[offset:]
        for length, frameNum in tlvHeader(rawData):