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AWR1243BOOST: Long range use of AWR1243boost

Part Number: AWR1243BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843, AWR1243, AWR1843BOOST


I have AWR1243boost + DCA1000 EVM and started working with raw IQ data . 

With mmWave Studio default setting i am able to detect target up to 40 m ( bicycle ) and tried to extend the range by chirp configure but the detection with own post processing algorithm / TI Matlab GUI able to detect 40 m.

mmWave Studio Version :

I read (Essentially, you need to leverage both beam forming and beam steering in your implementation to achieve higher power levels at longer distances that will allow you achieve the SNR you are looking for) that TI have long range application but i don't know how to use or which is suitable for my application.( wanted to detect bicycle more than 100 m ).

Please suggest me with suitable application.

Please tell me that what setting in mmWave studio makes to detect bicycle at 100 m. ( mostly looking to process the IQ data ).

Please reply me as soon as possible .

  • Hello ,

    You might have to redesign the antenna to achieve 100m detection of bicycle, we have done tests with detection of car at 100m with this EVM. The antenna on 1243BOOST is not very high gain one. Also you might have to adjust your detection algorithm to improve the detection.

    To help guide you on the required antenna gain you can use the sensing estimator tool to estimate the required gains. Also you can look at some of the SRR and MRR demos using AWr1843 to guide you with detection algorithms. You will have to port them to your matlab code or processor you are using 




  • Hi Vivek,

    By using mmWave sensing Estimator i calculated the Max Range for typical Detectable Object (m)  and Min RCS Detectable at Max Range (m^2) 

    Assumptions and Inputs : Long Range Default

    Device: xWR1243

    #Rx: 4

    #Tx: 3

    Tx Gain (dB) :9

    Rx Gain (dB) :30

    Frequency Range (GHz) : 77-81

    Maximum Bandwith (MHz) : 4000

    Transmitter Power(dBm) :12

    Maximum Range: 100 m

    Range Resolution :60 cm

    Maximum Velocity :65 km/h

    Velocity resolution : 2

    typical detectable Object :0.5 m^2


    It is showing that child (detectable object ) can be detected at 

    Max Range for typical Detectable Object (m) : 154.81

     Min RCS Detectable at Max Range (m^2) :0.09


    by this can you please tell me how true this estimation results are .

    The gain provided by the AWR1243 Tx and Rx antennas are (tx -9 dB and Rx -30dB) with this values it is showing that detection of low RCS (child ) at 154 .81 m this is wondering me .

    And i plugged detectable SNR as 20 dB. Max Range for typical Detectable Object (m) : 112.36 Min RCS Detectable at Max Range (m^2) :0.31

    Now Please tell me for the above setting i am able to detect bicycle at 40 m to extend what is your suggestion /advice.

  • I am still waiting for your reply ! 

    when i read one thread related to SNR improvement , TI expert suggested as below

    Essentially, you need to leverage both beam forming and beam steering in your implementation to achieve higher power levels at longer distances that will allow you achieve the SNR you are looking for.

    And my question is the above mentioned beam forming and beam steering is in Transmitter or Receiver ?

    Please explain how to do in either cases !( implementation in TI EVM). 

    Please support me and try to answer/ suggest me as fast as possible .

  • Hello Teja,

    As you can see from the estimator tool , you need to have the Rx antenna gain of 30dB in order to observe such a long distance. If you are able to design an antenna with this kind of gain you can surely use it.

    Regarding the beam forming, this is basically a way to increase the power level by using multiple TX at the same time  This  has similar effect as higher gain, but the beam would form only at a particular angle. The MRR TIREX project link that I shared above is an example code that uses both Tx and Rx beam forming.



  • Vivek,

    As i read many times in TI forums and other document that AWR1243 has Rx gain from 24 dB - 46 dB so that is the reason i consider that as 30dB.

    But now you are suggesting me to design antenna for 30 dB and this very confusing because when i am having a Rx gain from 24 dB - 46 dB what is the point to design antenna for 30dB gain ?

    I think Rx antenna gain you are referring is different ? Is Rx antenna gain is 9 dB only ? but in this document it is mentioned 

    Note: The EUT has been tested in the 76 – 77 GHz band (2 Tx at a time) at a maximum peak power of 26 dBm EIRP, and in the 77 – 81 GHz band (1 Tx at a time) with maximum peak power of 21 dBm EIRP across the temperature range of –20ºC to 60ºC.

    Rx gain includes (Antenna gain, LNA and etc ) ....

    I want to implement Tx beam forming with the help of AWR1243 + mmWave Studio (version please guide me in this regards.

    Please reply me as fast as possible.

    The above link you mentioned is mmWave LAB Medium Range Radar which is for AWR1843BOOST EVM will that works for AWR1243 also ?

    Will it gives clutter data in output ? 

    Please dont mind of answering me this because as i read that there is some difference in AWR1843boost and AWR1243boost (processors , IF bandwidth and etc)


  • I am still waiting for your reply ! 

    Can you please tell me is there any tool box / application mmWave LAB long Range Radar for AWR1243 ?

    If available let me know .

    If i want to improve the antenna gain for long distance detection will TI supports in antenna redesigning/ modification if so please provide contact details of particular engineer .

    Do reply as fast as possible .

  • After studying lot of threads related to long range application using AWR1243 , I posted questions but still i did not got any reply .

    Its been 7 days and still i am waiting for reply .....If you think our waiting for your reply is not worth please tell us so that we can think of other works as well.

    Thanks .

  • Hello Teja,

    Apologize for the delay in response.

     >>As i read many times in TI forums and other document that AWR1243 has Rx gain from 24 dB - 46 dB so that is the reason i consider that as 30dB.

    I think you are mixing up Rx gain and Rx antenna gain. Did you use 30dB value in the sensing estimator for Rx antenna gain? There is no entry for Rx gain in the sensing estimator.

     >>I want to implement Tx beam forming with the help of AWR1243 + mmWave Studio (version please guide me in this regards.

    >>Please reply me as fast as possible.

    >>The above link you mentioned is mmWave LAB Medium Range Radar which is for AWR1843BOOST EVM will that works for AWR1243 also ?

    The link I sent was a AWR1843 example. You need to understand the algorithm used in the example code and implement similar algo in the host processor you plan to use with AWR1243.

    >>If i want to improve the antenna gain for long distance detection will TI supports in antenna redesigning/ modification if so please provide contact details >>of particular engineer .

    TI does not provide antenna design services. You would need to contact an antenna design company for that.


  • Did you use 30dB value in the sensing estimator for Rx antenna gain?

    Yes, i used 30 dB value in the place of Rx antenna gain ..... i shouldn't consider that gain (rx gain) ? 

  • Hello Teja,

    Rx gain should not be considered here. Only antenna gain.
