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Using capacitive sensor on the metal base of a lamp

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: FDC2214, FDC1004, CAPTIVATE-METAL, CAPTIVATE-PHONE, MSP430FR2512, CAPTIVATE-FR2633, CAPTIVATE-PGMR, MSP430FR2633

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on the development of a smart-lamp, and one of our desired feature would be to snooze the alarm by touching the base of it. It is made of aluminium, and we wanted to connect it to a capacitive sensor via a cable.

I saw two potential interesting products, which are the FDC1004 and the FDC2212, but was wondering if they were suitable for our need, and if yes, which one was the best, before ordering the EVM board.

My concern is that in our case, we have only one electrod (which is the metal-base), and don't know if it would works only with the PCB ground as reference, to detect a variation in the capacitance by touching the base.

I let you the link of our website if you want to have a better idea on the physic of the lamp.

Let me know if you have any question or if something is not clear.

Thanks for reading me, and good luck to everyone for the next unexpected weeks.
