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MMWAVE-STUDIO: mmWave Configuration File Json file error



When i click Import button on mmWave Configuration File after loading Json file, i happened error message

-> No of devices connected and the no of devices in the json config are matching

I doubt context in Jason file something like version.

I don't know how to fix this.

Please help me.

  "configGenerator": {
    "createdBy": "mmWaveStudio",
    "createdOn": "2018-10-15T13:50:47.6879797+05:30",
    "isConfigIntermediate": 0
  "currentVersion": {
    "jsonCfgVersion": {
      "major": 0,
      "minor": 4,
      "patch": 0
    "DFPVersion": {
      "major": 1,
      "minor": 2,
      "patch": 0
    "SDKVersion": {
      "major": 3,
      "minor": 0,
      "patch": 0
    "mmwavelinkVersion": {
      "major": 1,
      "minor": 2,
      "patch": 0
  "lastBackwardCompatibleVersion": {
    "DFPVersion": {
      "major": 1,
      "minor": 1,
      "patch": 0
    "SDKVersion": {
      "major": 2,
      "minor": 0,
      "patch": 0
    "mmwavelinkVersion": {
      "major": 1,
      "minor": 1,
      "patch": 0
  "regulatoryRestrictions": {
    "frequencyRangeBegin_GHz": 77,
    "frequencyRangeEnd_GHz": 81,
    "maxBandwidthAllowed_MHz": 4000,
    "maxTransmitPowerAllowed_dBm": 12
  "systemConfig": {
    "summary": "This is a comments field not passed to device",
    "sceneParameters": {
      "ambientTemperature_degC": 20,
      "maxDetectableRange_m": 10,
      "rangeResolution_cm": 5,
      "maxVelocity_kmph": 26,
      "velocityResolution_kmph": 2,
      "measurementRate": 10,
      "typicalDetectedObjectRCS": 1
  "mmWaveDevices": [
      "mmWaveDeviceId": 0,
      "rfConfig": {
        "summary": "14xx_Test_Source",
        "waveformType": "singleFrameChirp",
        "MIMOScheme": "TDM",
        "rlCalibrationDataFile": "",
        "rlChanCfg_t": {
          "rxChannelEn": "0xF",
          "txChannelEn": "0x3",
          "cascading": 0,
          "cascadingPinoutCfg": "0x0"
        "rlAdcOutCfg_t": {
          "fmt": {
            "b2AdcBits": 2,
            "b8FullScaleReducFctr": 0,
            "b2AdcOutFmt": 2
        "rlLowPowerModeCfg_t": {
          "lpAdcMode": 0
        "rlProfiles": [
            "rlProfileCfg_t": {
              "profileId": 0,
              "pfVcoSelect": "0x0",
              "pfCalLutUpdate": "0x0",
              "startFreqConst_GHz": 77.0,
              "idleTimeConst_usec": 100.0,
              "adcStartTimeConst_usec": 6.0,
              "rampEndTime_usec": 60.0,
              "txOutPowerBackoffCode": "0x0",
              "txPhaseShifter": "0x0",
              "freqSlopeConst_MHz_usec": 29.982000350952148,
              "txStartTime_usec": 0.0,
              "numAdcSamples": 256,
              "digOutSampleRate": 10000,
              "hpfCornerFreq1": 0,
              "hpfCornerFreq2": 0,
              "rxGain_dB": "0x1E"
        "rlChirps": [
            "rlChirpCfg_t": {
              "chirpStartIdx": 0,
              "chirpEndIdx": 0,
              "profileId": 0,
              "startFreqVar_MHz": 0.0,
              "freqSlopeVar_KHz_usec": 0.0,
              "idleTimeVar_usec": 0.0,
              "adcStartTimeVar_usec": 0.0,
              "txEnable": "0x1"
        "rlRfCalMonTimeUntConf_t": {
          "calibMonTimeUnit": 1
        "rlRfCalMonFreqLimitConf_t": {
          "freqLimitLow_GHz": 77.0,
          "freqLimitHigh_GHz": 81.0
        "rlRfInitCalConf_t": {
          "calibEnMask": "0x1FF0"
        "rlRunTimeCalibConf_t": {
          "oneTimeCalibEnMask": "0x0",
          "periodicCalibEnMask": "0x0",
          "calibPeriodicity": 25,
          "reportEn": 0,
          "txPowerCalMode": 0
        "rlFrameCfg_t": {
          "chirpEndIdx": 0,
          "chirpStartIdx": 0,
          "numLoops": 128,
          "numFrames": 8,
          "framePeriodicity_msec": 40.0,
          "triggerSelect": 2,
          "frameTriggerDelay": 0.0
        "rlBpmChirps": [],
        "rlRfPhaseShiftCfgs": [],
        "rlRfProgFiltConfs": [],
        "rlTestSource_t": {
          "rlTestSourceObjects": [
              "rlTestSourceObject_t": {
                "posX_m": 4.0,
                "posY_m": 3.0,
                "posZ_m": 0.0,
                "velX_m_sec": 0.0,
                "velY_m_sec": 0.0,
                "velZ_m_sec": 0.0,
                "sigLvl_dBFS": -2.5,
                "posXMin_m": -327.60000610351562,
                "posYMin_m": 0.0,
                "posZMin_m": -327.60000610351562,
                "posXMax_m": 327.0,
                "posYMax_m": 327.0,
                "posZMax_m": 327.0
              "rlTestSourceObject_t": {
                "posX_m": 327.0,
                "posY_m": 327.0,
                "posZ_m": 0.0,
                "velX_m_sec": 0.0,
                "velY_m_sec": 0.0,
                "velZ_m_sec": 0.0,
                "sigLvl_dBFS": -95.0,
                "posXMin_m": -327.0,
                "posYMin_m": 0.0,
                "posZMin_m": -327.0,
                "posXMax_m": 327.0,
                "posYMax_m": 327.0,
                "posZMax_m": 327.0
          "rlTestSourceRxAntPos": [
              "rlTestSourceAntPos_t": {
                "antPosX": 0.0,
                "antPosZ": 0.0
              "rlTestSourceAntPos_t": {
                "antPosX": 0.5,
                "antPosZ": 0.0
              "rlTestSourceAntPos_t": {
                "antPosX": 1.0,
                "antPosZ": 0.0
              "rlTestSourceAntPos_t": {
                "antPosX": 1.5,
                "antPosZ": 0.0
          "rlTestSourceTxAntPos": [
              "rlTestSourceAntPos_t": {
                "antPosX": 0.0,
                "antPosZ": 0.0
              "rlTestSourceAntPos_t": {
                "antPosX": 0.0,
                "antPosZ": 0.0
              "rlTestSourceAntPos_t": {
                "antPosX": 0.0,
                "antPosZ": 0.0
        "rlRfLdoBypassCfg_t": {
          "ldoBypassEnable": 1,
          "supplyMonIrDrop": 0,
          "ioSupplyIndicator": 0
        "rlLoopbackBursts": [],
        "rlDynChirpCfgs": [],
        "rlDynPerChirpPhShftCfgs": []
      "rawDataCaptureConfig": {
        "rlDevDataFmtCfg_t": {
          "iqSwapSel": 0,
          "chInterleave": 0
        "rlDevDataPathCfg_t": {
          "intfSel": 1,
          "transferFmtPkt0": "0x1",
          "transferFmtPkt1": "0x0",
          "cqConfig": 2,
          "cq0TransSize": 132,
          "cq1TransSize": 132,
          "cq2TransSize": 72
        "rlDevLaneEnable_t": {
          "laneEn": "0xF"
        "rlDevDataPathClkCfg_t": {
          "laneClkCfg": 1,
          "dataRate_Mbps": 600
        "rlDevLvdsLaneCfg_t": {
          "laneFmtMap": 0,
          "laneParamCfg": "0x1"
      "monitoringConfig": {
  "processingChainConfig": {
    "detectionChain": {
      "name": "TI_GenericChain",
      "detectionLoss": 1,
      "systemLoss": 1,
      "implementationMargin": 2,
      "detectionSNR": 12,
      "theoreticalRxAntennaGain": 9,
      "theoreticalTxAntennaGain": 9