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OPT3101: What’s the meaning of the distance set at this->refDistancesInMM[][]

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In《OPT3101 SDK Users Guide》 Page 9, we find those four distances (10mm,20mm,80mm,120mm) described as setting for the increasing LED power and range, we have some questions as below:

1. Why choose these four specific distance numbers but not other number, What does four distances’ number means ?

2. Are these four specific distance numbers relative with ILLUM_DAC_L_TX0、ILLUM_DAC_H_TX0、ILLUM_DAC_L_TX1、ILLUM_DAC_H_TX1 under Super-HDR mode, which means the distance of current switching critical point ? What’s the relationship ?

3. Can we revise these four distance numbers to other specific distance number, such as 50mm,100mm,1000mm,5000mm ?

4. If we develop with OPT3101 IC for a distance measuring product at STM32 platform, during the calibration process, should we revise these four distance numbers ? How to determine each distance number ?

  • Hi,

    1. These are example numbers. Please follow the guidelines in the documentation when setting the target distances, which state to maximize the amplitude reading to reduce influence of crosstalk and other errors during calibration.

    2. In super HDR 4 currents are needed and for a fixed target these result in 4 different amplitude levels. 4 distances allow the amplitude for each current to be high

    3. Yes, you want to revise as stated in 1.

    4. This does not depend on MCU, but does depend on system. See my above answers.

    These topics are covered in our how to calibration doc 

    We also have all documentation and tools listed here to answer future questions

