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IWR1642: front mount occupancy chirp configuration

Part Number: IWR1642


I was trying to train the coefficient training for two zones [zoneDef 2 20 6 12 6 20 6 32 6]

I followed the steps stated in VOD_coeff_training_steps.pdf and managed to get the numbers

coeffMatrixRow 0 0 -3.646818 -2.961558 -2.808685 1.410892 1.343135 -0.701522
coeffMatrixRow 0 1 -4.366645 -1.362181 1.526956 -3.912298 0.644381 0.871164
coeffMatrixRow 0 2 -4.429169 1.535157 -1.104794 0.748558 -3.419997 1.336534
coeffMatrixRow 0 3 -3.588402 2.983601 2.625383 2.687294 2.474162 -1.347828
meanVector 0 30.475049 31.001416 -6.510538 -5.984171 0.383823
stdVector 0 11.242429 12.080662 7.423064 7.324259 0.471424

However, with the new set(s) of coefficients added to the chirp config file, I wasnt able to run the demo properly under the operational mode. Once the subject step into the zone, error as shown in the attached picture appeared and the whole demo crashed.