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AWR1843BOOST: AWR1843. HWA Module and BPM removal operation

Part Number: AWR1843BOOST

When configuring the HWA (mode: HWA_ACCELMODE_FFT) using the BPM removal feature.
The bpmPattern / bpmRate / bpmPhase / bpmEnable parameters do not affect the result of the HWA.
Was the "BPM Removal" mode in mmWave SDK 3 checked? If so, how can I get an example of the correct configuration?

  • Hi,

    We have to check with the design team how this feature was validated.

    We should be able to get back to you in a few days.

    thank you

  • Hi,

    I have checked with the SDK team and there is no example available.

    Could you provide the Paramset configuration for this operation?

    Thank you


  • Hello! Thanks for the answer.

    For the BPM test, I used the mmwave_sdk_03_04_00_03\packages\ti\datapath\dpc\dpu\dopplerproc\src\dopplerprochwa.c module
    with the following differences:
    in the function DPU_DopplerProcHWA_configHwa () set hwaParamCfg [paramsetIdx] .source.bpmEnable = 1;
    and in the DPU_DopplerProcHWA_process () function, before calling the HWA_configCommon () function, I added:
         hwaCommonConfig.fftConfig.bpmPattern [0] = 0x11111111;
         hwaCommonConfig.fftConfig.bpmPattern [1] = 0x22222222;
         hwaCommonConfig.fftConfig.bpmRate = 1;

    The HWA documentation provides an alternative method for implementing BPM through window overlay. I decided to use this method. The result suits me.

    thank you.