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TS5A22362: Top marking inquiry

Part Number: TS5A22362

Hello team,

One of my customer is asking the top marking of TS5A22362

On datasheet, top marking of BGA type is 39392

However, my customer found that a device has '424392' on top


Could you check the whether TS5A22362 has another top marking or not?


Thank you

  • Hayden,

    The device marking suffix for a TS5A22362 BGA package is either 39 or 392 not both.

    There is more information in the topside marking than the device marking stated in the datasheet. The first 3 characters correspond to the year, month, and lot code of the IC followed by the device marking. This means the first 3 characters of the TS5A22362 device markings can be different depending on when and where it was made.

    Thank you,