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SN74CBTLV3257: Variations in Propagation Delay

Part Number: SN74CBTLV3257

Hi Team,

Our customer is trying to route some SPI signals through the mux, but not on all of its channels. They're looking to length match all SPI signals.

For instance, if the max delay is 0.25, and an extra 1.5 inches is added in the PCB route to compensate for the unmuxed signals, the actual delay may turn out to be 0.1ns - which won't we well matched. So our question is how much variation in actual propagation delay might occur across multiple chips (SN74CBTLV3257)? Do we have data on this?

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards,


  • Hi Jejomar,

    The difference in delay between the individual channels on an individual part  is referred to as channel-to-channel skew or output skew. This is not covered as a datasheet parameter.

    Looking at this CBTLV family devices, you can assume that prop delay is going to be anywhere between 0- 0.25ns and design your system accordingly.  You may have to add traces in such a way that the delta delay falls somewhere in between.

