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CCS/AWR1642BOOST: 'SYS/BIOS' v6.53.2.00 is not currently installed

Part Number: AWR1642BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS, AWR1642

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I am attempting to run the Industrial Toolbox 2.5.2 16xx Demo - Lab 5 - on the AWR1642BOOST.

I am running CCSV7.4 on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04). I followed all the install instructions. For some reason, when I attempt to import the Demo workspace (MSS and DSS files) I am getting the error message: 'SYS/BIOS' v6.53.2.00 is not currently installed.

I believe this is included in the SDK 2.0... but for some reason CCS7 can't seem to find it.

I tried re-installing CCS with no result. Any idea on where to go from here?

  • Update:
    I discovered that I could force CCS to attempt to re-install these locally sourced 'apps' through: window>Preferences> Code Composure Studio > Products. Then just re-install the dependencies ('SYS/BIOS' v6.53.2.00 was one of these files)

    However, when I go to install the app, it comes up with another error message:
    An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
    session context was:(profile=epp.package.cpp, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
    No repository found containing: binary,org.eclipse.platform.ide.executable.gtk.linux.x86_64,4.6.0.I20160606-1100

    It looks like CCS can't find a folder that is supposed to be in the install directory. Any idea of how to fix this?
  • Hi,

    I am not sure if you have the dependencies fully installed, but I had to download SYSBIOS separately to be able to import the project.

    Once I download and install this version of SYSBIOS, I have to discover and add it to my CCS (just like you mentioned). However, I get the same error as you if I am running CCS as a regular user - my CCS was installed as sudo.

    In this case, re-running CCS as sudo and adding the product was enough to overcome this error here. After adding the product, I started CCS as a regular user and was able to import and build the project.

    Hope this helps,


  • Thank you for your reply.

    Running in sudo, I was able to install the dependencies!

    After starting up, there were a few more errors when I imported the Lab-5 Project. I had to change the permissions of the .metadata folder using the instructions found here:

    Now, when I run the Project, the DSS is re-built with no errors - great. The MSS however shows a few errors and the final xwr16xx_mmw.bin is nowhere to be found. Is this the result of these errors? Am I missing a step to generate this final binary?

    thanks again for your help.


    In addition to the binary not showing up, when I compile with the AWR1642 in ccs debug mode, I get an error when loading Debug/xwr16xx_mmw_mss.xer4f

    Error message: line 209: E_undefinedInstruction: pc = 0x00010d60, lr = 0x00013b4c.

    xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution

  • Hi,

    The error in project build seems to be a problem with the project itself - if you look closely, the point of failure is when the post build steps are being executed.

    The error itself is due to the fact these post build steps are trying to run four utilities that are, in fact, Windows executables with an .exe extension. Linux versions of three out of four of these utilities are available on the mmwave SDK - you just need to edit the post build steps and remove the .exe extension.

    A fourth utility named out2rprc does not have a Linux version. There is apparently a requirement to allow it to run on Linux as mentioned in the post below:

    The Exception you are getting is a runtime exception that may be caused by the missing steps in the project itself. I suspect this may work find after the previous errors are corrected.

  • Thank you very much! The binary "xwr16xx_mmw.bin" is produced with no compiler errors.