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CCS/MSP432P401R: Porting Unix Based Project onto CCS

Part Number: MSP432P401R

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I have installed and used the porting utility of the CCS v8 ( Version: to port a previously created project.

I am suspecting it was built in a Unix based platform.

Upon attempting to build the project after a successful port,  I was unable to build it because of a path error:

15:13:31 **** Clean-only build of configuration Debug for project TransducerSimulatorPP ****
make clean
Cannot run program "make": Launching failed
Error: Program "make" not found in PATH
I've attached the project files with this message.
Would you please help in resolving this issue?
Thanks and best regards,
  • In the attached project, the Build command is set to "make". This is not the default build command for CCS projects. CCS projects usually invoke gmake (which is included with CCS, so it knows where to find it). Some information on it is in this page:

    In this case, CCS is not able to find the make utility and hence the error message. 

    How did you migrate the project to CCS 8.3? Did you simply import an existing project that was known to build successfully with a previous version of CCS? 

    You would need to investigate whether the original project intended to use make for the build or if the command was somehow inadvertently changed from gmake to make during the migration. If it is the former, then you would need to ensure that the make utility is in the system PATH so CCS can find it. If it is the latter, we may need to see the original project so we can try to understand why the build command changed during migration.

  • Hello Aarti,

    Thanks for the response and info. Please find attached the original project.

    Don't know much about the history of the project. Downloaded it as a startup.

    I think it was a Unix based project. I imported it using CCS v8.

    I updated the make file directory as suggest by the link you provided. I used 'c:\ti\ccsv8\gmake' with no options.

    I can see that it compiled the files and finished with a warning that the compiler versions are different, which is expected.

    However, there is no .out file created.

    Please find attached the original project file before importing.

    Thank you again for your help and support.

    Best regards,

  • Is that all you have of the original project or do you also have the source files, etc.? I was hoping to see the complete project along with all the sources/resources that are necessary to build it successfully. 

  • Ziggy,

    Using the project files that you sent I was able to import it into both CCS 7.4 and 8.3 without issues. In my case, it did not convert the gmake command to make. This is what the Build properties looked like after I imported your original project into CCS 8.3.

    Zegeye Alemu1 said:

    I can see that it compiled the files and finished with a warning that the compiler versions are different, which is expected.

    However, there is no .out file created.

    Looks like you are on the right path, now we need to figure out why .out file is not created. Are any other files generated in the Debug directory?

    Since I don't have the complete project with source files, I am unable to verify the output of the build. If you are able to share the full project with sources I could take a look. 

  • Hello Aarti,

    Thank you for going through the exercise.

    I'm ok to share with you the project but anything I attach is available for all and proprietary issues exists.

    I will have to figure this out myself and if there is a way to share files privately, please let me know.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Best regards,


  • Yes you can share files privately with me. If you hover over my userID in this thread, there should be an option to send me a private message. You can zip up the project and attach it to the private message. 

  • Zegeye,

    Since I haven’t heard back from you, I’m assuming you were able to move past this issue. If that is not the case and if you still wish to share the project for us to look into this issue, please feel free to post a reply and/or send me a private message with the project. Thanks!

  • Good morning Aarti,

    Sorry for the absence. You know.

    Btw, I hovered by your ID and I was unable to see an option to message you directly.

    Your help will be great in resolving this issue quickly and I appreciate that very much.

    Please let me know.

    Thanks and best regards,


  • I sent you a friend request, did you receive it? After you accept it you can either reply to that message or start a new message to send to me privately.

  • Hello Aarti,

    I am stll unable to get to send you a private message. It doesn't allow we to do so.

    Thanks and best regards,


  • Ziggy,

    Did you receive an email with my friend request? After you accept it, if you click on my E2E name on that same email it should take you to a page from where if you click on Connect, it should give you the option to send a private message. 

    The process is also described here:

  • Hi Ziggy,

    I'm following up to see if you received my friend request and/or wish to still share the project for us to look into. If you do not wish to pursue this further for now, I will go ahead and close this thread. You are always welcome to come back to it at any later time and we can pick it back up again. Thanks!