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CCS/AFE4490SPO2EVM: AFE4490 Firmware in CCS - Header File Issues

Part Number: AFE4490SPO2EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE4490

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I am having trouble building the provided firmware for the demo board. I downloaded the firmware that is provided online. I then imported it into CCS but I am getting a lot of errors when I build the project. A large amount of header files are missing. I am new to CCS and programming so I am sure it is an easy fix, I just don't know what I am doing wrong.



  • Hello Chloe,

    Short answer:

    The compiler is unable to find the required header files included in the project.

    Long (and more useful) answer:

    I am not familiar with this example. I just installed the package and it looks like it expects you to use the existing workspace in (<INSTALL DIR>\AFE4490EVMFWSRC-v1.4\AFE4490EVM_FW_SRC_v1.4_Release\CCS). The way the compiler include search paths are set up are dependent on this. 

    I can't say I am a fan of this setup since I find these environments quite delicate.This project and workspace was created using an older version of CCS. When I try to use it with a more current version (CCSv9.1.0), the project has several errors. I had to fix a bunch of compiler and linker search paths and also fix the location of the linked folder. I now have a working environment.

    This is what I suggest. Keep using your existing workspace folder and:

    1) Download the attached zip: /cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/81/

    2) Rename the the original 'AFE4490EVM' project folder in (C:\AFE4490EVMFWSRC-v1.4\AFE4490EVM_FW_SRC_v1.4_Release\CCS).

    3) extract the attached zip file into C:\AFE4490EVMFWSRC-v1.4\AFE4490EVM_FW_SRC_v1.4_Release\CCS. It should create the 'AFE4490EVM' subfolder with all the project metadata inside

    4) import the new unzipped project. MAKE SURE that the 'Copy projects into workspace' option is DISABLED:

    The project will appear and it should build successfully. It worked with my CCSv9.1.0 environment.



  • I followed those steps but the import failed. 

  • I got it to import this time but it still isn't working. There are no files in it. 

  • It looks like some broken links (I assume you did install the AFE4490SPO2EVM Firmware Source v1.4 (Rev. A) package).

    Go to 'Project -> Properties' menu and in the dialog box that opens, select the 'Resource' option and take a screenshot of what you see.


    Note that the location of the project folder should be something similar to what you see in my screenshot.

    One other potential issues - is your workspace folder name 'LaunchPad Test'? If so, I would recommend a workspace folder name without spaces:



  • Here is the screenshot:

    I also did try to make a new workspace called AFE4490 and when I imported this project I had the same issue. It said all the files were not found. 

  • Your project path is:


    The project is one subfolder too deep. Please make sure the project folder is one level up. Example:




  • Folder should look like:

  • That is what happened when I went into the CCS folder and unzipped the file. It made a folder AFE4490EVM with nothing and then I open that folder and I see everything else that you see. When I back out to the first AFE4490EVM folder I get that error that the import failed. 


  • It is the extra folder that is the issue. You need to extract the zip contents to the 'CCS' folder.

    When you right-click on the zip, select 'Extract All' in the context menu.

    Then select the path to extract to. It needs to be: C:\AFE4490EVMFWSRC-v1.4\AFE4490EVM_FW_SRC_v1.4_Release\CCS

    You may need to modify the path so that it looks like the above. The default may have an 'AFE4490EVM' at the end which needs to be removed.

  • I tried on my laptop, the computer I have been using this whole time, and get 29 errors:

    Then I tried again on a desktop and only got 3 errors:

  • Chloe Melnick said:
    I tried on my laptop, the computer I have been using this whole time, and get 29 errors:

    Your first screenshot looks better despite more errors. In the second screenshot, I see broken links to the AFE4490, HAL and USB folder in the Project Explorer. Hence your first environment is correct. "descriptors.h" is in "C:\AFE4490EVMFWSRC-v1.4\AFE4490EVM_FW_SRC_v1.4_Release\USB\USB_config" and should be in your include search path. Can you expand your Includes folder and see if the proper search paths exist like below?



  • Yeah mine looks very different from yours. 

  • It looks like for the above screenshot, you have the project copied into your workspace folder. When you import the project from C:\AFE4490EVMFWSRC-v1.4\AFE4490EVM_FW_SRC_v1.4_Release\AFE4490\CCS\AFE4490EVM, you do NOT what to copy the project folder to your workspace. the default option is often to copy it so you must make sure you disable that option: 

    Please remove the existing project in your workspace folder and re-import the project again with the "copy" option disabled.



  • I have had that disabled and I still get the errors upon import. 

  • Chloe, let's try starting from scratch again. Please completely uninstall the AFE4490 FW source. There is an uninstaller utility inside: C:\AFE4490EVMFWSRC-v1.4

    Completely delete any leftover files. I would just delete the whole C:\AFE4490EVMFWSRC-v1.4 folder that is left after the install.

    Next, go to where you have the AFE4490 FW source installer. If you don't have it anymore, you can download it from:

    Also download the modified AFE4490EVM project I posted earlier in this thread:

    Now follow the steps in the video I created. If everything is installed and imported correctly, it should build right out of the box like in the video:


    Hopefully it works for you like in the video.



  • Thanks! I got it to work. I actually updated my version of CCS. I was using 9.0.1 and installed 9.1.0 and was able to recreate everything you did exactly the same. Do you suggest I install the compiler that use original used with the project (4.2.7 [MSP430])?

  • Great! Glad to hear it builds now.

    I wouldn't think updating the CCS version would make a difference since 9.0.1 to 9.1.0 is not really a big change. But you never know.

    Chloe Melnick said:
    Do you suggest I install the compiler that use original used with the project (4.2.7 [MSP430])?

    I'm not sure. Typically we (from the tools team) recommend updating to the latest version of the tools. But for customers, changing the compiler version can be a big deal. Sometimes, the people who created the project will recommend using the same version as originally used. I would check them (the Data Converters forum would be a good start)

