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CCS/CC2640R2F: Cannot follow most SimpleLink academy tutorials due to mismatches in project files.

Part Number: CC2640R2F
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I am trying to learn BLE development with the LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 board and am following the SimpleLink academy tutorials.  I successfully got through Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals but then the Scanning and Advertising lab is not clear on what steps I am supposed to take, so I decided to follow the TI-RTOS basics lab and the POSIX project zero lab.  However, even though it says I can follow the labs with a CC26xx product, I have nothing in my project files related to syscfg or files like "ti_drivers_config.h" and basically cannot progress through either lab and am stuck.  Is there any way to do these labs with my board or am I out of luck since there is no SysCfg support for the CC2640R2F?

