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CCS/TI-RTOS-MCU: TI-RTOS Install for 430 doesn't work on OSX

Part Number: TI-RTOS-MCU
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hey CCS and RTOS folks!

Hope you're all doing well during this crazy time.  

I'm doing some development on the 430f5529 and would like to use ti-rtos/sysbios, but I'm on a Mac.  Kudos to the team on all the work that has gone into the OSX CCS build.  It has really come a long way from when you first released it.  However I am having trouble with the rtos installer.  I'm on OSX 10.15.4 and when I run the installer it doesn't even try to run.  Running it from the command line yields:

open -a

LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for the application /Users/germanpm/Downloads/ with error -10810.

Any ideas on what's going on?  Any chance you'd bake me a new release (pretty please)?  Yes, I have a bootcamp Windows install on my machine, but the touchpad doesn't have good drivers which makes working in Windows kinda painful for me.



  • Tried installing the latest version of just bios and it fails with the same error code.

  • Ok....I did some more digging.  Initial reading led me to believe OSX was silently quarantining (how ironic haha) the files in the .app.  Used xattr to remove the quarantine and still had issues. I finally just ran "osx-intel" manually and I'm getting the dreaded "Bad CPU type in executable" error.  In my experience this means y'all built it for 32bit instead of 64bit.

    OSX Catalina has been out since October 7th of 2019.  I'm trying to install MacOS....which was built March 27th 2020.  Hmmm...  Let's pull up the release notes:

    Host Support

    Supported Operating Systems:

    • Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
    • Ubuntu 10.04 or newer
    • Mac OS X

    Hmmmm..... No qualifiers on OSX version.

      Known issues?

    Known Issues

    • None.

    Soooooo maybe I'm wrong, but it would appear y'all have a pretty big hole in your release tests.  This is awkward because you've clearly figured out how to do this for CCS and codegen since it installs just fine.  Santa Barbara, Can I pretty please have a 64 bit installer?



  • Not one to give up easily, I decided to take a circuitous route to getting sysbios installed.  I downloaded the latest windows version with 430 support ( and installed it in Windows.  Then I booted into OSX and copied the bios folder over from windows into the ti folder in my user directory.  Booted up CCS and it found and installed it.  

    I was then able to successfully build some 430 examples with sysbios.  The cool graphical config tool however doesn't appear when I open the cfg file.

    This was a not so great user experience, so maybe y'all could spend some time improving this and fixing the issues that are present.



  • Hi Trey,

    Great seeing your name pop-up! I hope all is well with you. 

    The TI-RTOS for MSP430 has not been updated for awhile. We don't have any plans on updating it either.

    Starting with SYS/BIOS 6.75.01, we've removed MSP430. We still support existing customers using the old versions. 

    We know about the installation issue and have been recommending customer look at:

    Due to maintenance/support issues, we recommend you edit the .cfg file as a text file instead of the graphical tool.


  • Todd!!!

    Ahh I'm alright.  Client just screwed me to the tune of $100k, so I'm taking a break from other peoples projects and working on getting a product of my own out the door.

    I figured y'all were dropping support given what I saw in the documentation.  I can easily get by with the older versions.

    The apple support link you send appears to cover just working around signing of the applications.  The problem you have is deeper than that.  In OSX Catalina, Apple dropped support for all 32bit applications.  The installers for bios and tirtos both appear to be built 32bit so even when you work around the signing issues, they refuse to run.  

    Thankfully I was trained in sysbios by the best, so I'm sure I can get by editing the cfg by hand ;)


  • Trey,

    Yea, the installers are only 32-bit:(


  • Perhaps the release notes should be updated to reflect a lack of support of OSX Catalina?

    If only y'all didn't have to have a EULA so you could release in zip format.  Ohhh TI legal... hahaha
