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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM437X: CCS to generate _ti.bin file

Expert 1700 points


we are developing a product with a Sitara AM437x. We want to be able to boot our product via QSPI flash. CCS generates the following files as part of the compilation process:

1) *.out
2) *.bin
3) app

It is stated in the processor SDK development guide, that the application image, which resides on the QSPI flash, has to be in *_ti.bin format (this file includes a preceding length and entry point information).

How can I instruct CCS in a way, that the following command is being triggered automatically in the post compile process:

Most likely something needs to be added here:

Can you please tell me which instruction to use?

Another thing, can somebody please correct the path information on the following website:



  • Hello,

    I just checked the "app" file. Obviously this file is already in the "_ti.bin" file-format. If this is the case, then please ignore my question about generating the "_ti.bin" file and just check my point about correcting the documentation on the "Processor SDK RTOS Software Developer’s Guide" website.



  • Hi Inno,

    You're right. The "app" file generated by CCS build is the _ti.bin mentioned in the documentation - script "pdkAppImageCreate.bat" has the following line:

    %PDK_PATH%/ti/starterware/tools/ti_image/tiimage.exe 0x80000000 NONE %APP_NAME%.bin app

    Thank you for pointing out the path problem in the documentation. I'll make sure it gets fixed.

