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file specific build options

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO

I was having the same trouble as discussed in several other threads:

The original thread generated bug SDSCM00037421 and was theoretically fixed in 4.2.2.
I have upgraded to and I am seeing all of the project files that were previously custom still are locked from any global project updates.  New files or previous files that had still been using project level options are behaving OK now (i.e. I can change an optimization level for a given file and still see it inherit a new project level pre-defined symbol).
My trouble is that I could not see any visible way to distinguish which options a file is inheriting vs. which options are set custom.  In CCS 3.x,  a checkbox identified a file that was inheriting options.  Currently if you select the file properties, there is a button that says "Restore Defaults", but it is active regardless of whether the highlighted options are currently inherited or specific, and it is unclear whether that button will set all options for that file, or whether it only sets the currently highlighted options.
1) Do you have a recommendation for how to reset all of the options for all files back to project level?  Do I need to browse to each of our 100+ C files and click the Restore Defaults individually?  
2) Is there any way to distinguish which files are using specific options as opposed to inheriting options?
I thought it would have been ideal to de-activate the "Restore Defaults" button when you are looking at a file that is inheriting options (i.e. there is nothing to restore).  Also, I would be tempted to change the name of the button to something more like "Inherit Settings" --- since the options are not really defaults, but will inherit whatever project level options exist.

  • Michael,

    I can't find an easy way to do this but there is a hard way.  If you open the .cdtbuild file that is in your project directory and search for the filename that has file specific options you will find a section of the file that contains the file specific information for that file.  If the file does not have any file specific options you won't find it at all in the .cdtbuild file.

    For example I have a simple project (called "file specific options").  On the hello.c file I changed it to have a file specific option setting the memory model to large.  I do the search and find the spot in the .cdtbuild file and I can see the option being set.

    <resourceConfiguration exclude="false" id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.MSP430.Debug.645938194./File specific options/hello.c" name="hello.c" rcbsApplicability="disable" resourcePath="/File specific options/hello.c" toolsToInvoke="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.MSP430_3.3.exe.compilerDebug.1927809655./File specific options/hello.c">

    <tool id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.MSP430_3.3.exe.compilerDebug.1927809655./File specific options/hello.c" name="MSP430 Compiler" superClass="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.MSP430_3.3.exe.compilerDebug.1927809655">

    <option id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.MSP430_3.3.compilerID.LARGE_MEMORY_MODEL.1811482081" superClass="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.MSP430_3.3.compilerID.LARGE_MEMORY_MODEL" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>


    You can see which files are using file specific options as they will have a little triangle on the top left corner in the project view in v4.  In v5 I think it is the top right and looks like a little wrench.





  • OK thanks.  We'll edit the file directly, then.