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CODECOMPOSER: Installation error


Hi Team,

Our customer would like to install CSStudio in C:\Program Files (x86) but the error below shows that it is not possible. Is there a way to install CCS in that directory as all other locations are blocked by his company policies.



  • HI Danilo,

    The issue is not that they can't install CCS in "Program Files". The issue is if they do so, they will not be able to install CCS updates for it. Hence we recommend that they install outside the Program Folder unless they are fine not being able to install any updates.



  • Hi Ki,

    Thank you for your response. I just received this feedback from our customer.

    yes i understood it but we need to install it in program files due new company rules.

    So working in another location will block the program, its not a solution.

    How its possible to install it in the directory program files or program files (x86) ?

    We could install the updates manually, that’s no problem.



  • I really do recommend not installing in "program files". Not just because of the update issue but because CCS and other tools that interact with CCS tend to have issues with whitespaces and non-alphanumeric characters in paths. Installing in "Program Files (x86)" can cause future headaches down the road. It is really worth it for the customer to explore if it is possible to make an exception for CCS.