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CCS JTAG error, but dbgjtag passes?

In what cases would dbgjtag pass and CCS give the following error when connecting?:

CPU_4: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1052 @ 0xDED3) Device is not responding to the request. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Release 5.0.333.0)


dbgjtag passes all of its tests (integrity, givendata, brokenpath, pathlength returns IR=32bits and DR=4bits).

TDI, TDO, TMS, TCLK, TRST all toggle on the board, and the timing looks reasonable. EMU0 and 1 are always high. I have tried clock frequencies of 100kHz, 1MHz, 5MHz, and 10MHz in CCS, and all give the same result. The DSK5416 evaluation board works fine using the same emulator.

Some more details:

CCS version:
DSP: C5441
Emulator: XDS100v2

I would appreciate any ideas.


  • Update:

    When I use a target configuration that is set up for a C5416 (instead of C5441 like what is on the board), the debugger connects without any errors, but when I attempt to load a program, I get a message "Data verification failed at address 0x00007F80 Please verify target memory and memory map.", and none of my manual changes to registers or memory values stick.

    What is the importance of which device I select in the Target Configuration? The only visible difference I see in the Debug window is the number of cores.

    The fact that the C5416 configuration connects without errors (and dbgjtag passes) seems to indicate that my hardware is correct, but there is a problem with the C5441 Target Configuration. Is anyone aware of any such problems?



  • I found the answer. The processor CLKIN was not running. I didn't think it would be necessary for the JTAG to connect, so I didn't check it, but apparently it is. dbgjtag doesn't need it, but CCS does.

    Perhaps a future enhancement to dbgjtag could check for this somehow?
