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CCStudio V3.3: Error, Don't know how to build file

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO, TMS320DM6437

Hi all,

When i build my project i have the following errors.


Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\CCStudio_v3.3\boards\evmdm6437\lib\evmdm6437bsl.lib"
Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\dvsdk_1_11_00_00\examples\common\evmDM6437\i2c_params.c"
Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\Projects\InlineStab\DM6437\d3.cmd"
Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\Projects\InlineStab\DM6437\main.c"
Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\Projects\InlineStab\lib\edma3_drv_bios_sample.lib"
Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\Projects\InlineStab\src\compute_motion.c"

Build Complete,
  31 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks.

(also all  my *.c and *.h  and lib files are not showed in the project file tree.)


i also went  

(1) ('Help->About->Component Manager'), expand the 'Texas Instruments, Inc' node and  found that  the Project Management component is enabled.

(2) "CCS-> Help-> About (it should show the CGT version). Click on Component Manager, Expand Build tools for TMS320C64XX and found that CGT is selected.

Please give me some help.

Thanks a lot,



  • Shunguang,

    Have you download the DM6437 DVSDK and install?  It is located at:




  • Hi Viet,

    Thanks for replying. i installed that part.  The following is our environment set up  instructions, any comments on that?



    -------- How To Setup Building Environment --------------

    0) SW package locations: \\stingray01\ps01\Tools\Ti

    1) Install CCStudio v3.3 (only works for WinXP, for Win7, need CCStudio v4.0)
        (a) \\stingray01\ps01\Tools\Ti\Download\evmDM6437_CD\ccs

    2) Setup SDK (\\stingray01\ps01\Tools\Ti\Download)
       Install DV SDK 01_11_00_00 by running
       (a) DM6437_DVSDK_setupwin32_1_11_00_00.exe
       (b) EDMA3_LLD_setupwin32_01_10_00_01.exe

    2)    Install DM6437 EVM (\\stingray01\ps01\Tools\Ti\Download\evmDM6437_CD\Launch.exe)
        (a)    Install Products -> DM6437EVM Driver and target contents

    4)    goto C:\CCStudio_v3.3\board\evmdm6437_v2,  rename folder “evmdm6437_v2” to “evmdm6437”

    5)    start->all programs->Taxes Instrument->component Mgr (by click)
        "code composer Studio v.3.3x.x" ->target contents(DSP/BIOS) ->  TMS320C64xx -> check 5.31.07 version(?)
    7)    set win environment variable  (??)
        set BIOSUTILS_INSTALL_DIR as "tall_dir  ->07

    8)    Install Blackhawk JTAG DISK
    a.    Install emulator driver
    b.    Pick USB560bp jtag emulator
    c.    Pick CCStudio v3.3 (run check first)
    d.    Pick “usb560bp jtag emulator only  ? select 560/.. port
        (Then click install. After install it, do step e)
    e.    Put emulator usb in pc: no window search and automatic
        (the verify by step f)
    f.    Start blockhawkControl icon on Desktop

    9)    Set CCStudio (by run Setup CCStudio V3.3)
    a.    Remove all others on left
    b.    Platform ->bh_usb560 (for 642),   (for 6437 bh_usb560(bp))
    c.    Family ->C64xx       (for 642),   (for 6437 C64x+)
    d.    Pick DM640,1,2,3     (for 642),   (for 6437 DM643x)
    e.    << add on bottom
    f.    Save and quit. Yes to start composer studio

  • Have you try to rebuild the SW?  Any errors if you do?

  • Yes, i have the following complaint when start CCstudio_v3.3

    "Your code composer does not support the connected target.

     Device driver name: "c:\CCstudio_v3.3\drivers\"




  • Shunguang,

    I am going to move your thread to CCS so some one can help you with that problem.  I think you need the driver for that JTAG but I don't know where to get it.



  • shunguang wu said:

    Hi all,

    When i build my project i have the following errors.


    Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\CCStudio_v3.3\boards\evmdm6437\lib\evmdm6437bsl.lib"
    Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\dvsdk_1_11_00_00\examples\common\evmDM6437\i2c_params.c"
    Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\Projects\InlineStab\DM6437\d3.cmd"
    Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\Projects\InlineStab\DM6437\main.c"
    Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\Projects\InlineStab\lib\edma3_drv_bios_sample.lib"
    Error, Don't know how to build file "C:\Projects\InlineStab\src\compute_motion.c"

    Build Complete,
      31 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks.

    (also all  my *.c and *.h  and lib files are not showed in the project file tree.)

    Have you been able to get past your build errors? You mentioned already checking within the CCS Component Manager that Project Management(within Texas Instruments Inc) and a ceratin version of C6000 Code Generation Tools (under Build Tools) is enabled. In addition, you may want to try manually registering these dlls and then closing and restarting CCS to see if it helps.

    To manually register the dlls, open a command prompt, 'cd' to the bin directory within the codegen tools (assuming you're using the default version in CCS 3.3 it would be C:\CCStudio_v3.3\C6000\cgtools\bin), and type:
    regsvr32 bti6000.dll
    Similarly, 'cd' to the directory C:\CCStudio_v3.3\cc\bin, and type:
    regsvr projsvr.dll

    shunguang wu85006 said:

    i have the following complaint when start CCstudio_v3.3

    "Your code composer does not support the connected target.

     Device driver name: "c:\CCstudio_v3.3\drivers\"

     Do you have the full version of CCS 3.3 or one that was bundled with a DSK or eZdsp? If it is a version that was bundled with a DSK, it will not work with an external xds560 emulator. Please see this thread where a similar error is reported:

    To get it to work with a Blackhawk 560 emulator, you need a full version of CCS as well as drivers downloaded from Blackhawk's web site that support that emulator.

  • How do i know if it is a full version or bundled with a DSK or eZdsp?  (this is my first time to setup the environment, sorry for the silly questions)

  • I apologize for the delayed reply. Usually the version number should help identify if it is a full version or DSK version. What does your version # say in CCS Help->About? Based on the error message "Your code composer does not support the connected target", it does seem that you have the DSK version.

  • Can somebody tell me where to download DV SDK?



  • Hi May,


    For future reference, please start a new thread for a new topic instead of adding on to a very old thread.



  • Thanks ki.

  • Hi,

    I am also facing the same issue.  All my source files are listed under  Documents folder.  I am using CCS3.3 in windows7.  I have tried re-registering the two DLLs, but that didnt help.  Please help me resolve the issure.

    Thank You,

    K. shriram

  • Shriram,

    Check your ccs_Compdb.ini file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Texas Instruments"

    Open in a text editor. Is the contents blank?

    Also note that CCSv3.3 is not officially supported in Windows 7. Some have gotten it to work but others have had various issues. If you continue to encounter issues, you may want to run it from an XP virtual machine. If you insist on running in Windows 7, take a look at these articles:

    But note that there is not much support we can give you.


  • Thanks Ki for the quick reply.  I was able to get the issue resolved after following this:

    Thanks for the support.
