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CCS5: project conversion failed

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE, MSP430WARE, CCSTUDIO



I installed CCS5 and tried to import TI example project, but none of them could be converted, the information window is the following:

"project conversion failed for project xxx with the following error:

error loading managed make project information for project xxx

the tool definition used to create the project are not available.


what 's the problem?is this license related?

thank you


  • Hi Harrison,


    What version of CCS are you importing from?  Which expample? Which target?

    Are you importing into the latest v5? (RC2)  What settings do you select?

    This information will help us narrow down the problem.  It sounds like your v5 does not have support for the target you are using (possibly not installed), but further information will help us try and sort this out for you.

    Best Regards,


  • thanks for the help.

    CCS5,full dvd, the latest version which is posted at the top of the forum.

    the target is irrelvant as none of TI demo works after I tried many of them, but I am using 28027.



  • HI Harrison,

    what v4 version  were you using?   How did you do the import?   Under Project-> Import existing CCS/CCE Eclipse Project, what settings did you use?  What do you mean no demo works? 

    Please let me know what you have been trying in order to have a sense of what might be happening.


  • CCS4.2.4.0033

    the import was done as you showed here.

    I tried to import many of TI example projetcs in CCS5, they all report project conversion failed, these project are embedded in CCS5, not imported from CCS4.

    what setting you ask for? there are a lot of settings, could you please detail it?



  • HI Harrison,

    what I need to know is the following

    - when you installed CCS, what products did you select?  When installing CCS you get a box of options for support (eg C6000, C2000, MSP430).  What products did you select when installing v4?  when installing v5?

    - what exact steps are you taking?  Some screenshots might help.  I am confused.  You talk about conversion and import ... but your last post said these are embedded examples?


    - I want to be sure the example you select is compatible with the platform and target you select.  This is why I have asked what example, what target, ....


    I hope this helps clarify!

    Best Regards,



  • no matter CCS4 or CCS5, when instalation , I installed all of them, basically it 's the default setting,I didn't alter them them.

    when you open ccs5, there are  a lot ti exampl projects showing, this is what I mean" embedded"; for CCS4, you have to find it yourself by going to controlsuite.

    then from there, you do import project, after this, a window poped out say the project conversion failed.

    however even I do the project import by going into Controlsuite myself, the project conversion still failed.

    I will take a snap shot and post it.



  • HI Harrison,

    please post further info/screeshots.  From your description, also note the following

    CCSv5 - when you click on examples from the welcome tab, this only leads to MSP430Ware and examples. 

    Have you looked at the getting started videos for control suite?

    The other examples you have to get to by either creating a new project (some examples are there) or importing a control suite example or a stellarisware example, for example.  

    Have you followed the control suite guide?  Have you been trying to import an example?  What have you tried.

    I will await your further info.

    Best Regards,

  • I have used CCS4 to have created many project by importing TI example project.

    unless you are saying importing project in CCS 5 is different from CCS4.


  • Hi Harrison,

    I have been working in the background to check a few things for you and see no problem.  I installed the latest version of ControlSuite.   Then it appeared in the welcome screen for me as well as expected. 

    From that welcome tab I was able to import, build and debug the examples without problems or errors.

    So I will wait for your further information to see what you are doing.  What examples, information we discussed etc.  What would also be of interest is your control suite version and code generation tool version.

    You can find some information about what packages  CCS finds for example under Window->Preferences->Build->Compilers.  You can see a list of discovered tools.  This example and screenshot below are from the latest version of CCS5.1.

    Please keep us informed.

    Best Regards,



  • Hi Lisa,


    thanks a lot.

    please see the attached snapshots.

    the last one is the same as the one you posted here.

    the first one and second one are the project I tried to import and then failed( did that following the steps in the window of CCS5);

    the third and fourth ones are the project I tried to import by directly going to Conrolsuite.

    thanks and please let me know what else you need.



  • Hi Harrison,

    Thank you for the useful screenshots.  I was able to reproduce and work around the error.  It has to do with installed code generation tool versions from what I just experienced.

    I did the following steps

    1) Tried in the latest 5.1 to import the same project you tried.  This generated the same error.

    2) I added the path from my v4 install (for a quick test whether CGT version was the issue) to add more compiler versions - see the screenshot

    3) It worked for me after that.

    Please give this a try and keep me informed.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Lisa,


    yes, it is working now after adding the tools as posted.

    there are some files in the wrong directory for this project, but I was able to delete them and add proper files and it is ok.

    can we say that we need to add all toos in ccs 4 into ccs5 or just some perticular projects?I didn't think before we need to add CCS tools into CCS5.

    Appreciate it a lot.



  • Hi Harrison,

    The best thing to do is actually to install the code generation tool version that was associated with the controlsuite release.

    The compiler versions are available here.  You will need a myti login to download the C2000 version(s) you wish:



    This is a better and more elegant way.  My quick work around was solely to save time as I knew I had many of these versions/tools already installed there ..

    I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,

  • I tried this link before too, but there are so many version out there; until the problems happen, we don't know which version we should install or we install all of them?

    some TI project say certain version tools were used to create these projects, others say different versions of code generation tools needed, I am really a bit bewildered.



  • Hi Lisa,


    I'd like to bring your attention to another problem of CCS5 installation which was on the second computer wih windows XP, please see if you could help on this.



  • Hi Harrison,

    it looks like my colleague took that case.  It is likely the logs are being looked at by development.  I can see if there is something to be done, but it might just need a bit of patience.

    Regarding the code generation tools,  I would say install as needed, there is no need to have every version installed.  But for example if you have code generated with certain version, maintain that, if you use software (eg controlsuite) generated with a certain version try to maintain that etc.


  • ok, thanks Lisa.

    I wait then.

  • Hi Lisa,

    I encountered the same problem with Harrison's. I am using floating licensed version of CCS v5.1.0.09000 and latest version of controlSuite. I also update CCS by using updater. But I experienced one more problem while applying the steps you advised. I have no CCSv4 installed then I install Code Generation Tool 5.2.6 for Example_2833xEqep_pos_speed because in .cdtbuild it says <option id="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.core.OPT_CODEGEN_VERSION.1646195756" superClass="com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.core.OPT_CODEGEN_VERSION" value="5.2.6" valueType="string"/>

    After I install Code Generation Tool 5.2.6 in Window->Preferences->Code Composer Studio->Build->Compilers-Discovered tools section the Code Generation Tool 5.2.6 is appeared. However, when hovering by cursor a hint appear and it says "Support for this tool is not available. Please update your workbench with latest tool definitions."

    I tried importing project again but could not achieve yet. The image related to issue is attached. I am waiting your help for this problem.

  • Hi Mehmet,

    this likely means you need to update other parts of CCS as well.  Please give that a try and keep us informed.

    Best Regards,


  • Lisa,

    I downloaded the latest version of CCS from and installed it. After I installed, I opened CCS and update it by using Help->Check for updates. How can I update other parts?

    By the way I am using Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-Bit version.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Mehmet,

    if you did not have the latest version, then that is a great first step.   Try again and keep us informed.  If that does not work try via Help->Install New Software and see what CCS updates and tool updates/features are found.

    Best Regards,

  • I think I couldn't explain. My CCS is up-to-date. I think there should be another problem. I tried again via Help->Check for updates and it says "No updates found" and also tried Help->Install new software and I saw that "All items are installed" notification when I select all available update sites.

    Kind regards,


  • HI Mehmet,

    Is it a control suite project you are having problems importing?  Did CCS ask you to convert the project for a new code generation tool version?  You may want to specificially install stand alone an older C2000 code generation tool version.  For the moment, that seemed to be one of the only work-arounds we found for Harrison for example.

    You can find them here.

    Please keep us informed.

    Best Regards,

  • I have the same problem with the concerto ipc dual examples. When I tried to import  dual ipc examples,  i manage to import the c28 project , but can't import the m3  project of the same example. What can i do to solve this issue?

  • Hello,

    can you please be more specific?  What exact issue are you seeing?

    Best Regards,

  • Lisa TI said:


    can you please be more specific?  What exact issue are you seeing?

    Best Regards,

    I wrote a detailed explanation on this thread.