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Hi all,
I'm trying to make a new project in CCS v5.0.23... After making all the corrections and got over all the error this is the last error am getting...
Linking failed. Check the Console window for details.
I'm pasting the console window details herewith....
**** Build of configuration Debug for project TI_Project ****
C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv5\utils\gmake\gmake -k all
'Building file: ../source/ti_main.c'
'Invoking: C6000 Compiler'
"C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000/bin/cl6x" -mv6600 -g --define=xdc_target_types__=C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\xdctools_3_20_08_88\packages\ti\targets\std.h --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000\include" --include_path="E:\Projects\TI Project\Task\server_workspace\test1\inc" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bios_6_31_04_27\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\imglib_c66x_3_0_1_0" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ipc_1_22_05_27\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\mcsdk_2_00_00_beta2" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ndk_2_20_03_24\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\pdk_C6678_1_0_0_9_beta2\packages" --diag_warning=225 --abi=eabi --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="source/ti_main.pp" --obj_directory="source" "../source/ti_main.c"
>> WARNING: more than one source file is specified; preprocessor output will be generated for last file only
Fatal error: could not open source file "Files\Texas"
1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "Files\Texas".
Compilation terminated.
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [source/ti_main.obj] Error 1
'Building file: ../source/webpage_access.c'
'Invoking: C6000 Compiler'
"C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000/bin/cl6x" -mv6600 -g --define=xdc_target_types__=C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\xdctools_3_20_08_88\packages\ti\targets\std.h --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000\include" --include_path="E:\Projects\TI Project\Task\server_workspace\test1\inc" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bios_6_31_04_27\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\imglib_c66x_3_0_1_0" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ipc_1_22_05_27\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\mcsdk_2_00_00_beta2" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ndk_2_20_03_24\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\pdk_C6678_1_0_0_9_beta2\packages" --diag_warning=225 --abi=eabi --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="source/webpage_access.pp" --obj_directory="source" "../source/webpage_access.c"
>> WARNING: more than one source file is specified; preprocessor output will be generated for last file only
Fatal error: could not open source file "Files\Texas"
1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "Files\Texas".
Compilation terminated.
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [source/webpage_access.obj] Error 1
'Building file: ../common/src/image_processing.c'
'Invoking: C6000 Compiler'
"C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000/bin/cl6x" -mv6600 -g --define=xdc_target_types__=C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\xdctools_3_20_08_88\packages\ti\targets\std.h --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000\include" --include_path="E:\Projects\TI Project\Task\server_workspace\test1\inc" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bios_6_31_04_27\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\imglib_c66x_3_0_1_0" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ipc_1_22_05_27\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\mcsdk_2_00_00_beta2" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ndk_2_20_03_24\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\pdk_C6678_1_0_0_9_beta2\packages" --diag_warning=225 --abi=eabi --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="common/src/image_processing.pp" --obj_directory="common/src" "../common/src/image_processing.c"
>> WARNING: more than one source file is specified; preprocessor output will be generated for last file only
Fatal error: could not open source file "Files\Texas"
1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "Files\Texas".
Compilation terminated.
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [common/src/image_processing.obj] Error 1
'Building file: ../common/src/image_processing_task.c'
'Invoking: C6000 Compiler'
"C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000/bin/cl6x" -mv6600 -g --define=xdc_target_types__=C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\xdctools_3_20_08_88\packages\ti\targets\std.h --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000\include" --include_path="E:\Projects\TI Project\Task\server_workspace\test1\inc" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\bios_6_31_04_27\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\imglib_c66x_3_0_1_0" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ipc_1_22_05_27\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\mcsdk_2_00_00_beta2" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ndk_2_20_03_24\packages" --include_path="C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\pdk_C6678_1_0_0_9_beta2\packages" --diag_warning=225 --abi=eabi --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="common/src/image_processing_task.pp" --obj_directory="common/src" "../common/src/image_processing_task.c"
>> WARNING: more than one source file is specified; preprocessor output will be generated for last file only
Fatal error: could not open source file "Files\Texas"
1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "Files\Texas".
Compilation terminated.
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [common/src/image_processing_task.obj] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
Hi Mohamed,
- have you tried the lastest release? v5.1?
- what code are you trying to run? Is it the ndk example? What example or code and target?
- what OS are you using? I know some new Windows versions get a bit funny with permissions etc if CCS is installed in the program files directory.
Note there were a couple known ndk issues in previous CCS versions.
Please keep us informed.
Best Regards,
Hi Mohamed,
I thought I would check whether there is an update to your enquiry and whether you would be able to provide some additional information should you still require assistance.
Best Regards,
Dear Lisa,
Thanks for the reply and sorry for being late. The issue was solved when a double quote was given for the path specified in the -D predefined symbols.
Hi Mohamed,
great, glad the issue is resolved. All the best with development.
Best Regards,
Hi, I have the same problem now, how to find the "-D predefined symbols"?
Looking forward to your reply!
Dear May,
What exactly is your problem? "-D predefined symbols" is found under project properties->C6000 Compiler-> predefined symbols
Thanks Mohamed,
I found the option, it was blank. I'm looking for other reasons now.
Hi may,
I have a same problem like yours.Did you sloved it?How to do?
Hi may,
I resloved the question with 1 min... The reason is when you include a new path(in C6000 compiler->Include Options),you maybe forget " ".
You will also get this error is you leave spaces in some of the items you define in project properties. For example if you type ccs = "ccs" instead of ccs="ccs" in the predefine symbols window in the project properties you will get this error.
FYI: In my case this issue occurred after an update from CCS5.2 to CCS5.5. In the build command line the following line was inserted which was interpreted as a file:
I resolved the issue by checking "Build \ C6000 Compiler \ Performance Advisor ==> Provide advice on optimization techniques (--advice:performance" and selecting none.