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Dear friends,
I am working on Simpliciti, I couldnt get the sample code of simpliciti run on Code composer Studio. I was trying to execute simpiliciti project file that is available from exp5438A. I am getting the below errors and I couldnt figure out where the problem is. Please help me regarding the same. Thanks a lot in advance.
error: symbol "main" redefined: first defined in
"./Applications/application/LinkListen/main_LinkListen.obj"; redefined in
error: symbol "toggleLED" redefined: first defined in
"./Applications/application/LinkListen/main_LinkListen.obj"; redefined in
undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
BCSCTL1 ./Components/bsp/bsp.obj
CALBC1_8MHZ ./Components/bsp/bsp.obj
CALDCO_8MHZ ./Components/bsp/bsp.obj
DCOCTL ./Components/bsp/bsp.obj
IFG2 ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P1DIR ./Components/bsp/bsp.obj
P1IN ./Applications/application/LinkListen/main_LinkListen.obj
P1OUT ./Applications/application/LinkListen/main_LinkListen.obj
P1REN ./Components/bsp/bsp.obj
P2IE ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P2IES ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P2IFG ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P2IN ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P2SEL ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P3DIR ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P3IN ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P3OUT ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
P3SEL ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
TACTL ./Components/bsp/bsp.obj
UCB0BR0 ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
UCB0BR1 ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
UCB0CTL0 ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
UCB0CTL1 ./Components/mrfi/mrfi.obj
error: unresolved symbols remain
error: errors encountered during linking; "Project.out" not built
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [Project.out] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
Build complete for project DEV_ROOT
Hi Vidya,
how did you import the SimpliciTI project? Did you try without selecting "copy project into workspace? Did you double check the path and include options and variables? Please see this wiki on how to do this. The error seems to indicate that a path or build variable or include path is missing or incorrect.
Please keep us informed.
Best Regards,
Dear Lisa,
first thank you for your response. I did try without selecting "copy project into workspace"? Result: It says invalid project description(as shown in the figure). I had to stick on to checking this option, otherwise I couldnt copy projects to workspace.
Also the path variable, I have followed exact instructions, "enable linked resources" then Path name "dev_root" and locating to exact path(also shown in the figure)
Hi Vidya,
I would like to try to reproduce this. Can you please confirm which exact CCS version you use? Also which SimpliciTI version and example? I recommend ensuring that you use the latest version of all tools.
Best Regards,
Dear Lisa,
Thank you for very customer friendly support. Its CCS Version: SimpliciTI windows installer
from TI which can found in ti wiki in the following link:
After a heavy struggle to clear the problem, I have recently updated my CCS (so it means I had also problem before updating CCS), which you have suggested in other links for similar problem.
Kind regards,
Hi Vidya,
I could not get SimpliciTI from your link, but had no problem importing an example from SimpliciTI found here:
These were my steps
1 - downloaded the CCS version of SimpliciTI and installled
2 - imported an example. Do not select "copy project into workspace". You seem to have been doing this fine.
3 - Add DEV_ROOT. Go to Window->Preferences->General->Workspaces->Linked Resources. Add DEV_ROOT with the location being the top SimpliciTI folder as you seem to also know from the guide.
4 - I built with no errors.
Please try this and keep us informed. I suspect the problem might be your SimpliciTI version/installation.
Best Regards,
Dear Lisa,
thank you for writing. I am working with EXP5438 experimenter board connected with CC2530. All I want to do is to create Zigbee communication between two such modules as shown in the following link: I would like to extend this communication with SGI board from TI, which will part of my thesis.
With the simpliciti code from the link, you know there is no sample code for EXP5438 board. Sample codes on SimpliciTI were only in the latest version of SimpliciTI which are provided in Wiki TI Link (TI Wiki was under maintenance during last week but I think you will able to access the link now)
You can access the same here in this link where you can find sample simpliciTI for EXP5438 boards:
I am not quite sure if the problem is from SimpliciTI. I am always making sure to add path exactly as you say, but it doesnt help.
I am really thankful for your support.
Best Regards,
Hi Vidya,
I have finally been able to get this version of SimpliciTI and got a successful build using these steps
1 - Import the project, do not select "copy project into workspace"
2 - Added the DEV_ROOT as we discussed under Window->Preferences->General->Workspaces->Linked Resources. See my screenshot below and point DEV_ROOT to the top level SimpliciTI folder.
3 - See the screenshot below. I had to edit correct a predifined symbol. Under the project properties. The was set for the MSP430F2274 was defined, you need to edit this for your MSP, the 5438 as shown in the screenshot.
4 - I had to correct and include path. See the screenshot ... it was pointing to the wrong board .... I had to correct it.
5 - You have to expand the Applications folder and manually exclude all but one main file. Ie you can only build one of Access Point or End Device or AccessPoint with AutoAck ... you need to exclude all but one of these main .c files with a main function. I have tried to show a bit of screenshot on this as well.
Please give this a try and keep us informed.
Best Regards,
Dear Lisa,
thanks for writing. I have trouble right with the first step itself. When I try to load a project (without option 'copy project into workspace'), it gives an error message invalid project description. In the details the following is shown:
Invalid project description.
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\vkanta\Desktop\Simpli\Projects\Examples\EXP430F5438\Simple_Peer_to_Peer\CCS\Project overlaps the location of another project: Project
All what I have done is to install simpliciti on the desktop (also tried with default path but error occurs always) and follow instructions exactly specified in literature SimpliciTI Sample Application User’s Guide Document Number: SWRA243.
Thank you.
Best regards ,
Dear Lisa,
now I have figured out where the problem actually stands.
Along with the above instructions you have placed for me, this thread has helped a bit regarding 'invalid project description' problem:
Hope this also helps other who face the same problem. The problem should be a different workspace, which is different from what is explained in the above literature.
Hearty thanks for your support. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Hi Vidya,
great, very glad to hear and thanks for the update. All the best with development.
Best Regards,