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i just bought a new evaluation board and did the first steps. Right now i would like to integrate this board into our continuous integration build server. I've already managed to build the Example Project via command line using gmake.
And right now i would like to use the Debugger (XDS100v2) to debug my software. Is there a manual on how to work with the debugger via command line.
Furthermore we would like to use a test frame work as CUnit etc. Is there a way to get the Test results executed on the target back to the build server?
kind regards.
Building via gmake is one option. There is also a command line utility for building CCS projects.
As far as command line debugging if you are looking to script debugging then one option is to take a look at is Debug Server Scripting:
If you just need to load and execute a program then the loadti example may work for you.
As far as getting test results transferred from the target there are different options depending on what device you are using. C I/O is one choice. What device are you using?
Hi John,
thanks for your advices. We are using the TMS570.
Do you have experiences with a test framework like CUnit or CppUTest.
Would you recommend the Debug Server scripting in this case?
kind regards
I don't have any experience with CUnit or CppUTest. I have seen other Safety (TMS570) customers using VectorCast. There are other commercial products that integrate with CCS from ParaSoft, LDRA and Klocwork. Most of these types of tools use C I/O (fwrite, fprintf...) to transfer data and results back to the PC.
If you need to automate loading and running a bunch of different programs then DSS is very well suited to that. The default scripting language is JavaScript. Some of the above tools use DSS for their automation, others are very tightly integrated into Eclipse so they use the Eclipse APIs.