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I am upgrading my computer and trying to transfer over CCS and my projects. I installed CCS and all the code generation/bios to the new computer but I have noticed that several system macros are missing:
Hi Robert,
In v5 we no longer really use macros so it makes sense some include paths and variables will need correction or addition.
Please see this wiki and keep us informed.
Best Regards,
You are referring to the Build Variables right? Project -> Properties. Select Build and then the variables tab.
What CCS build are you using?
I see the CG_TOOL_ROOT and C5500_CG_ROOT variables in CCSv5.3. I don't see the CG_TOOL_SUFFIX one but that one does sound familiar, I will check an older version (yes looks like it is there in 5.1).
Both CCS versions I am using are Here are the steps I am taking:
Install CCS from CD (v4.1)
Update CCS to v4.2.4.00033
Install C5500 Code Generation Tools v4.4.1
Install C55XX CSL v2.50
Old computer is XP. New computer is 7.
In addition to the missing macros, I also get the following error when I try to build;
"This project was created for a device-variant tha is not currently recognized: TMS320C55XX, TMS320V5515. Pleas install the device-variant descriptor, or migrate the project to one of the supported device-variants."
All those macros/variables should be present in 4.2.4. I just tried a new project in 4.2.4 for C5515 and they were there for me.
My install was straight to 4.2.4 vs an update, shouldn't make a difference. You can get the full images here: (scroll down to CCSv4). I don't think I have ever seen the macros completely disappear. Is the "Configuration" tab selected?
The device-variant message is due to the device that is set in the project not matching any of the available devices. This happens with 5515 and 5505 due to some changes in the naming of the device that happened when it was launched. Sometimes it was C5515 other times VC5515 and I have seen V5515. Basically the version of CCS that was used to create the project had a different name for it than the version you are using now. It is easy to fix. Right click on your project, select properties. Click on CCS Build on the left hand tree. On the right you will now see some properties for the project. Go to the Device Variant section and in the second drop down to the right select whichever 5515 shows up in the list. For me it is TMS320C5515.