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Error: Can't find platform package DSP.C674x


    It is fail when I compile C674x code. The fail message as follow:

    js: "E:/CCSV4/xdctools_3_22_01_21/packages/xdc/tools/Cmdr.xs", line 51: Error: Error: Can't find platform package DSP.C674x gmake: *** [configPkg/compiler.opt] Error 1 gmake: Target `main-build' not remade because of errors.

How to solve to problem?



  • Hi Chen,

    are you using a remote drive or server?  (I ask because I notice the E:).  If so this could be one source of the problem.  Are you using a scrtipt or running from the command line?  A few further details to help clarify the context would help us to help you debug.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Lisa,

          I do not use a remote driver or server.It is the one problem when I compile the C647 code, and I do not use script or run from the command line, I just add the code to CCS4,2 abd then click "rebulid active project".




  • Hi Lisa,

        I can compile the C74 code,I forget add the platform directory in CCS,The problem is solved




  • Hi Chen,

    ok, glad to hear you found the issue and thanks for the update.

    All the best with development.

    Best Regards,