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About Stellaris/TIVA Launchpad/Family project setup (GUIDELINE)

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C123GH6PM, CCSTUDIO

 Hi, I followed guide and after a 2 week pain I finally got my porting working from scratch, so some hint IMHO needed to help beginner use this tool, the best is to get a working example remove code then import source:

 FIRST I Bricked one LaunchPAD, if you use both PORT A and PORT D REMOVE the two R9, R10 otherwise bus collision can damage both port, see picture guideline for details of what to remove.

 When I ported code first I wished to check stack size, also on forum someone suggested  me to increase stack size, the issue was extremely strange of stopping SPI and UART from working but IDE reported all as nothing was wrong.

 Stack size appear both on .cmd file relative to processor and in property:

 -Property -> CCSBuildings -> ARM LINKER -> Basic OPTIONS -> Set C system stack size

 Only this one set the real stack size.

 When code size licence is installed and code size overflow no clear message appear but confusing error on loading to target. Nowhere on licence wiki is stated size of code limit.

 Predefined symbols on advanced settings, on base project after installation never this exist and caused me a 2 week troubles to solve them, better to set all by wizard...

-Property -> CCSBuildings -> ARM Compiler -> Advanced options -> Predefined Symbols

 Stellaris LAUNCHPAD ADD these lines:






 TIVA LAUNCHPAD ADD these lines:


 TARGET_IS_BLIZZARD_RA1  ( No mention on migration guide, to be edited)


PART_TM4C123GH6PM (Migration guide suggest PGE not PM, to be edited when I get TIVA)


 More to follow....

  • Roberto Romano said:

    Stack size appear both on .cmd file relative to processor and in property:

     -Property -> CCSBuildings -> ARM LINKER -> Basic OPTIONS -> Set C system stack size

     Only this one set the real stack size.

    See also __STACK_TOP symbol in TivaWare 1.0 example projects appears unnecessary

    Roberto Romano said:
    TARGET_IS_BLIZZARD_RA1  ( No mention on migration guide, to be edited)

    The documentation also doesn't make it clear that the suffix for the TARGET_IS_BLIZZARD macros is the silicon revision - see also Descripancies in ROM support for EEPROM functions

  • Roberto Romano said:

     Stack size appear both on .cmd file relative to processor and in property:

     -Property -> CCSBuildings -> ARM LINKER -> Basic OPTIONS -> Set C system stack size

     Only this one set the real stack size.

    As you noted, the stack size can be set either in the linker .cmd file or in the Project Properties->Build->ARM Linker->Basic Options. If it is set in both places and the values are different, the one that appears later on the build command is the one that will take effect. For instance, if the build command looks like this:

    'Invoking: ARM Linker'

    "C:/CCStudio_v5.4.0.00091/ccsv5/tools/compiler/arm_5.0.4/bin/armcl" -mv7M4 --code_state=16 --float_support=FPv4SPD16 --abi=eabi -me -O2 -g --gcc --define=ccs="ccs" --define=PART_LM4F120H5QR --define=TARGET_IS_BLIZZARD_RA1 --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --gen_func_subsections=on --ual -z --stack_size=0x100 --heap_size=0 ......... -l"libc.a" "../lm4f120h5qr.cmd"

    Here the linker command file comes later in the link command, so if the stack and heap sizes are specified in the .cmd file they will over-ride the previous settings.

    Roberto Romano said:
    Nowhere on licence wiki is stated size of code limit.

    There is no code size limited license for Stellaris, it is only for MSP430.

    Roberto Romano said:
    Predefined symbols on advanced settings, on base project after installation never this exist and caused me a 2 week troubles to solve them, better to set all by wizard...

    This is an interesting request. At the moment we do set some default compiler options but not the predefined symbols. I will submit a request to have these predefined symbols added by default when creating a new project using the project wizard.

  • "FIRST I Bricked one LaunchPAD, if you use both PORT A and PORT D REMOVE the two R9, R10 otherwise bus collision can damage both port, see picture guideline for details of what to remove."

    Port A is not effected by R9 and R10. Port B and Port D are both effected.

    R9 connects PD0 to PB6. R10 connects PD1 to PB7. R9 and R10 are zero ohms so if these pairs are configured in a specific way, like push-pull outputs, it is possible to damage your chip. Only one pin of each pair can be used at a time unless R9 and R10 are removed. These connections are illustrated in the schematics in both Sterllaris and Tiva Launchpad user guides.

    The reason for R9 and R10 is that PB6 and PB7 don't have I2C functionality. Some booster packs that use I2C have their I2C connection at the PB6 and PB7 locations. I2C is provided on these pins by PD0 and PD1 through the R9 and R10 connections. This applies to both the Tiva and Stellaris boards. MSP430 has SPI and I2C on these pins and a lot of booster packs were designed with this in mind. So R9 and R10 provide backward compatibility with MSP430 boosterpacks.

  • Thank you  for your tip and picture. I published also here (as it affects also PWM outputs for Tiva C Lauchpad) with link to your original post. I hope it's ok.

  • Hi Francisco, I left FORA, I come here from time to time to check private messages, I think it was not a courtesy avoid answer you, I think all can be Ok for me if you like and help in some way it is what I wanted to do.

    just try also if these other can be of help:

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