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Compiling CCSV3.3 project using CCSV5.4



I am trying to build my project by using CCSV5.4 ARM compiler for OMAP5690 target. This is running on Nucleus OS. Is there a way that I can compile the entire project from command as it was supported in CCSV3.3.

If yes, could you please provide me the environment variables that I need to set to build the project.

Background information:

I have downloaded from TI website. I have installed the free version of it. Is there a way that I can compile my source code for Nucleus OS with this version.

It would be appreciated if you can respond me at earliest.



  • Chandraiah,

    We here at CCS forum are not be most knowledgeable people to talk about Nucleus OS, therefore questions related to the OS itself and details about its build environment will have to be answered by the software provider or someone at the OMAP group (there is a specific forum here at e2e for that).

    That said, if you have a CCSv3.3 project it can be imported to CCSv5 using the menu Project --> Import Legacy CCSv3.3 Project. That usually works for the majority of projects but sometimes requires tweaking depending on the conditions (such as environment variables, for example, which can be converted to Eclipse built-in variables). You can give this a try but make sure you have a backup copy of the source trees.

    Also, looking at the Nucleus IDE, it seems its source code supports Eclipse natively, which may make things a lot easier (CCSv5 is also based on Eclipse).

    Hope this helps,




  • Hi,

    Thank you for your immediate response.

    The requirement to use the CCS5.4 goes like this.

    1. Is there a way that, without using the IDE, to compile the source only by using the Compiler provided by the CCSV5.4.

    2. If the answer is no, could you please provide me the information to build dependencies. Like i have the folder sequence in which they have to be compiled. So where can I set this dependency.


  • Chandraiah,

    If you have a CCSv5.4 project migrated from the previous version, you can use the information on the wiki page below for command-line project build.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Rafael,


    Thank you for your immediate response.

    I have used only the compiler, linker, assembler provided by CCV-5.4 that are there in the path "C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\arm_5.0.4\bin\armcl" etc..

    I am able to successfully compile my project source code just by Modifying these variables corresponding to CCV-5.4. But I am currently struck with some linker issue as updated below.

    error: symbol "_c_int00" redefined:

    first defined in    "C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\arm_5.0.4\lib\rtsv4_A_le_tiarm7.lib<boot.obj>";   

    redefined in "y:\x.lib<int.obj_x>" "x_flash_link.cmd", line 102: warning: no matching section

     undefined first referenced   symbol       in file  --------- ----------------  

    _main     C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\arm_5.0.4\lib\rtsv4_A_le_tiarm7.lib<args_main.obj>


    I am trying to create .out file by the linker command file x_flash_link.cmd that uses this RTS Library file "C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\arm_5.0.4\lib\rtsv4_A_le_tiarm7.lib" while linking.


    Any help wrt to this will be highly appreciated.



  • Chandraiah,

    What is happening is the file <x.lib> is redefining the entry point symbol previously defined by the Runtime Support library <rtsv4_A_le_tiarm7.lib>. Therefore one of the two symbols must be removed.

    Hope this helps,
