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Problems Window Update


I use CCS V5.5.0.00077. If I use the "-s" option in the gmake the "Problems" window does not get updated after having had errors (just syntax errors for example) in it and those errors are corrected.
If I remove the "-s" option from gmake then the window is updated as it should.
I thought this problems have been solved in earlier versions of CCS!?

Any ideas what the problem may be?


  • Patrick,

    I can't seem to reproduce this but it may be that I have not understood the issue correctly. Could you add some before and after screenshots of the Problems view to help us understand the issue better? If you could also include the build options (that show the build with/without -s) that would help as well. Maybe there are some other specific triggers that cause this to happen.

    Also, just to check, are you working with a new workspace that was created with CCS5.5 or a workspace from a previous version of CCS?

  • Hi,

    This picture shows the option -s:

    Then I produce an error by removing the ";" and do a "Build project"

    Next I insert the ";" again and doing a "Build project"

    What I expect is that the "Problems" Window gets updated and the error mark remsoves. But nothing happens. The project has been build without a problem.

    I use the same workspace I had with CCS V5.4. I really hope I don't have to make a new one. I really have enough doing a new installation of CCS after every new CCS update because this updates do not work all the time. But this an other story...


  • Thank you for attaching the screenshots, they were very helpful in enabling me to reproduce the issue. This does appear to be a bug and I have filed bug # SDSCM00048906. Feel free to track it using the SDOWP link in my signature.

  • AartiG said:
    This does appear to be a bug and I have filed bug # SDSCM00048906.

    Just wanted to let you know that there is an alternate way to control the verbosity of the build without explicitly modifying the gmake command that you can use as a workaround. It is available from Window Preferences->Code Composer Studio->Build->"Console verbosity level".