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CCS 4.1 Beta is now available!

Guru**** 433911 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC430F6127

The CCS 4.1 beta release is now available! New features include added support for the following devices:

  • Luminary Stellaris
  • Numerous MSP430F5x and CC430F6127 (see Release Notes for a full list)
  • C6472
  • OMAP3630
  • TMS570 (LS20216)
  • F28035
  • eZ430-Chronos emulator

This release also includes numerous bug fixes and enhancements for better usability, stability and performance. Try it out!

See the CCS Beta Releases page for more details.



  • Is there a public changelist of the changes/fixes?.....didn't see it on the wiki.  I'd like to review before posting possible bugs.


  • There is a link to the release notes on the beta page.  It has a known issues section in it.

    Thanks for your interest in the beta.



  • Hi,

    I want to use CCSv4 with LM3S9B90 evaluation board for development.

    My guess is that I need a Platinum Edition for that, as I don't see CortexM3 architecture under the Core Edition.

    As I don't have a full licence (so far I have used only the Core edition) Is there a licence linked to that EVM (LM3S9B90)?



  • The Quickstart document for the Stellaris support says it's from CodeRed ... not CCS.  At least, right at the top of the first page.  Do you really want to be crediting that company with all the improvements in CCS 4.1?  [:P]

  • TI,

    Just wondering - I have compiled code for F28035 with the current release - but it is showing as a new feature for CCS 4.1 Beta - why is that?

    (Motor control kit using the F28035 - in case you are wondering.)

    John W.

  • Answers to various questions:

    1) QuickStart guide mentions "Code Red".

    TI has a number of different partners that support our Stellaris devices.  We have QuickStart guides for each one.  When the CCS one was created it was based on the Code Red one and the first page still has a reference to it.  The file has been updated and will be live later today.

    2) MCU Core Support for Stellaris

    The MCU Core version of CCS only supports MSP430 and C28x.  Basically the "Core" name means that it is code size limited.  If you want a free license for Stellaris you have a couple of options.  The free eval tool good for 30 days and can be extended for another 90days or the Platinum free limited license (also called the bundle license), with this license it does not expire but you can only use it with the Stellaris development kits and simulators.

    3) F28035 support

    Debug support for F28035 is in CCSv4.0.2 as well.  It looks like the release notes are listing new device support added since 4.0.0, inclusive of 4.0.1 and 4.0.2.




  • John,

     Thanks for your answers.

    I have tried the Core edition of CCSv4.1 Beta and it didn't install the code generation tools so it doesn't work at all (there is no tool directory and an error message: no code generation tools)

    I will try today the Platinum edition with my LM3S9B90 evaluation kit with I've bough 2 weeks ago with Keil demo software.

    Will that particular one have support linked to the kit and if yes can I hook-up a prototyping circuitry around it?



  • John,

    Thank you again.

     So far nothing works for me with CCS4.1 beta.

    As I mentioned in previous post the Core edition doesn't install properly (missing code generation tools)

    After installing Platinum edition and obtaining 90-day extension licence file I have a message saying (Lisensed),

    but when trying to run blink on eZ430F2013 (debug) the pop-up window comes asking for license.

    When the license file is specified then an error exception shuts down the software.



  • Jan,

    I can reproduce the issue with the Core tools.  I will disable the download until it gets figured out.  The compiler installers are present but they are not getting installed for me.

    Will check on the Platinum license issue next.  That 90 day eval should work with anything.



  • Jan,

    I also see the problem with the 90 day eval license.  I filed this as SDSCM00034500. 

    Did you already use up your 30 day license?  Let me know and I will help you get a license file.




  • John,

     Thanks for that.

    Hopefully it will be fixed and save time for other people.

    My evaluation license has expired with previous version and I am waiting for University to solve the license issue.

    You can email me: jan dot szymanski at eng dot uts dot edu dot au



  • Jan,

    The license is on its way.


  • I think I have the same issue. I am using v4.02.... and when I run Tools->Launch Ti Debugger, it asks me for a license file. I browse to the license file and select it and get "Exception occurred during launch" No such feature exists CCS_CONNECTION_ALL. (then the addr of my license file) FLEXnet Licensing error -5,357

    So I did it again thinking that I need a different license file. When the window popped up, I selected "Use free limited license". I browsed to the new license file (that came in the email) and the same exception occured.

    I'm using the DM648 with a Spectrum Digital XDS510PLUS emulator. Perhaps the free license doesn't allow me to trial that emulator with v4.0?


  • Sounds interesting! May I ask if there is any alpha for Linux available soon? It would be interesting to know and test when it becomes available!


  • Eddie,

    The free limited license will not work with a XDS510.  That license only works with simulators, XDS100 emulators and some EVMs/DSKs that have onboard emulation.  i.e. the connection types allowed are limited.

    Instead use the link noted in the FAQ below to generate a 90 day eval license.  This will let you use the Spectrum XDS510.




  • Robert,

    We are still working out our schedule for the Linux version.   Hope to have a better plan we can communicate early in the new year.



  • John,

    It (the licence) hasn't arrived yet.


  • Hi,

    CCS complains that it cannot find feature CCS_ISA_ALL when I'm trying to debug my LM3S9B96-DK with the ICDI (e.g. blinky demo). I have a node-locked MCU license which works fine in 4.0 for MSP430.  CCS says "licensed" when I'm in the project view in 4.1. I have seen the FAQ on this topic, but it does not seem to address my problem. CCS should be able to find the license file when I'm telling it where it is located. What can I do?


  • Joa,

    Try manually copying your license file into \ccsv4\debugserver\license



  • Hi Ki,

    If I have v4.0.2 installed, what is the process for installing the v4.1 beta? Is it an update or is a new install needed?



  • The 4.1 beta is a full install. You can just install it in a separate directory.



  • Is there a reason why the MCU version does not support Stellaris? 

    When will it?

  • I believe that it does in fact officially support Stellaris in the MCU version, though what exactly is supported in what ways, and with what limitations has been a bit unclear depending on which web pages you read since 4.0 was in beta.


    Hardware Adapters

    • Some Stellaris DSK come with a 10 pin ARM connector. An Adapter is available here.

    What is not supported

    • Serial Wire Output for TPIU trace output
    • Standard Console I/O operations (fread, fwrite, fopen, etc.) are not yet supported on the current release of CCS when using the on-board emulator
    • XDS100

    What CCS License types support Stellaris?

    Stellaris is supported by both Platinum and Microcontroller licenses starting with CCSv4.1. There will not be a code size limited version (MCU Core) for Stellaris. You can use the Stellaris development kits with the free bundle license. With the free license you are restricted to using the development board that comes with the Stellaris development kits, there will be no code size limit.


    Which image is right for me?

    Below is a description of each image.  Unless you want the code size limited tools for MSP430 or C28x then download the DVD image!


    DVD image

    • Same image that comes on the CCS DVD (Platinum & Microcontroller).
    • ~900MB
    • Supports all device families: ARM, C28x, C54x, C55x, C6000, DaVinci, MSP430, Stellaris, TMS570, Sitara and OMAP.
    • Supports all license types (except the code size limited tools, for that download the code size limited image)
    • Provides a free full featured 30 day evaluation license option.
    • Can be used for FREE with EVMs, DSKs and eZdsp boards that have onboard emulation as well as simulators and XDS100 emulators.
      • Important! MSP430 ez430 and Chronos kits do not work with this free license (works fine if using the paid MCU or Platinum licenses).
    • Can be upgraded to a full license.
    • Includes DSP/BIOS.

    Code size limited tools

    • ~360MB
    • Supports MSP430 and C28x only.
    • Code size limited (MSP430 16KB, C28x 32KB)
    • Is the only FREE version that can be used with MSP430 development kits.
    • Can NOT be upgraded to a full (unlimited) license (use DVD image for full license).
    • Does NOT include DSP/BIOS.

    Release Notes: Available in the Release Notes topic.

    Getting a License: You need a license to use CCS. There are many types of licenses for CCS. The licensing topic goes into more detail on the options available.  The activation topic walks through the process of activating a license. If you are using the MCU Core download it will automatically generate a license on installation and no user action is required. If you have any issues with license file generation please contact:

    Stellaris: Stellaris Support is available in CCSv4.1 and later.  The Stellaris Support in CCS topic describes the status of Stellaris support in CCS.


    4.1.1 (February 24, 2010)

    Release Notes

    DVD image

    Code Size limited (MSP430 and C28x)

    Patch: Expected availability via Update Manager on Feb 26. Note that the patch does not include compiler or BIOS updates. If updates to those components are desired they need to be installed separately. For example Stellaris support requires the 4.6.1 compiler or later, this is included in the CCSv4.1.0 and later full install but not the 4.1.1 patch.


  • My  assumption has always been that the Stellaris toolchain would be included in the MCU tools edition of CCS 4.1.

    Perhaps that is where I am going wrong...

    Just a minute ago, after requesting a DL for the current 4.1 MCU edition, I am NOT provided a Stellaris install option...

    "Support" in the MCU edition to me would imply having this option available.

    I am presented with a dialogue box in the install process that give me these options:

    Microcontroller Core Edition

    MSP430-Only tools

    C2000-Only tools.



  • Dave,

    Adding an additional question on the end of a thread may result in it getting missed.  Once a thread has a verified answer most apps people will just skip past it.  Especially something pretty old like this one.


    As to the question:

    Yes Stellaris is supported when using a full MCU license with CCSv4.1.  Stellaris support is not included in the code size limited download that is for MSP and C28x only.



