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Can't find a source file at ... runtime warnings


I am working on Code Composer Studio  Version: .

Compiler version TI v6.1.1

DSP/BIOS version

I am able to build code with below warnings.

This project was created using a version of DSP/BIOS tools that is not currently installed: Please install the DSP/BIOS tools of this version, or migrate the project to one of the supported versions.

This project was created using a version of compiler that is not currently installed: 6.1.1 [C2000]. Another version of the compiler will be used during build: 6.1.0. Please install the compiler of the required version, or migrate the project to one of the available compiler versions by adjusting project properties.

And I can flashed .OUT file it to DSP 28335 using Spectrum Digital JTAG emulator.

But when I Run and Suspend project CCS it gives be below warning

Can't find a source file at "src/fxn/fxn.s28"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.

Sometimes for "src/rta/rta.s28"

each time I Run and Suspend CCS it give me same warning for different files.

There are 2 option below these warning "View Disassembly" and "Locate File".

Problem: I am facing is mailbox_pend is not timing out after specified time provided at function argument. I am not getting interrupts also,


1. How to overcome these warning run-time and compile time mention above?

2. Does this related to the problem I am facing?

3. Where can I locate file using "Locate File" option below warning message?

4. Are all above warning harmful? 

Thanks in advance,


  • Sarang,

    Sarang Admane said:

    This project was created using a version of DSP/BIOS tools that is not currently installed: Please install the DSP/BIOS tools of this version, or migrate the project to one of the supported versions.

    This project was created using a version of compiler that is not currently installed: 6.1.1 [C2000]. Another version of the compiler will be used during build: 6.1.0. Please install the compiler of the required version, or migrate the project to one of the available compiler versions by adjusting project properties.

    The warnings are inherently not an issue if the project otherwise builds clean without errors. The warnings are letting you know that the project was originally created with a different version of DSP/BIOS and compiler than the one being used for the build. Having said that, do you know which version of CCS was used to create the original project?

    Sarang Admane said:

    But when I Run and Suspend project CCS it gives be below warning

    Can't find a source file at "src/fxn/fxn.s28"
    Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.

    Sometimes for "src/rta/rta.s28"

    It sounds like it is halted somewhere within the DSP/BIOS code. Can you try opening up the disassembly view and see the assembly instructions there?

    Sarang Admane said:

    Problem: I am facing is mailbox_pend is not timing out after specified time provided at function argument. I am not getting interrupts also,

    This sounds like an issue with the application itself (and not the tools) and would be something you would need to debug further.

  • Thanks Aarti for reply.

    I also tried to use View Disassembly option but nothing shown. I can see No debug context.

  • Forgot to mention.

    Same project works well in other machine. And if I import this project in different machine facing problem.

  • Sarang Admane said:

    Same project works well in other machine. And if I import this project in different machine facing problem.

    If the same project works well in another machine, it must be something specific to the version of tools or some other configuration on your machine. I would suggest ensuring that the version of CCS, compiler tools, DSP/BIOS etc on your machine exactly matches with what is on the working machine, and then importing the project into a new clean workspace and trying again.