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I have recently upgraded to CCS on Windows 7, 64 bit.
Although I have full license I also have tried to work with MSP-GCC 4.9.1, the migration was terrific.
But my real problem is the following: every time I compile with MSPGCC, the Problem window is always full of errors. It seemed impossible. After some minutes I have realized that that the compilation was successful, only the Problem window works erratic.
It is extremly frustrating.
How I got here:
- Clean project (and clean Problem Window manually by Ctrl+a and Del)
- Click on some other source file's tab (MyProtection.c and main.c) --> Errors appear !!!
It is a bug in CCSv6. The same was reported for earlier versions. Now the situation looks worse.
We get such reports about the Problems view from time to time but have not been able to reproduce this behavior of the Problems view not getting refreshed, at least with CCSv6. Are you able to share a project (even a cutdown version would be fine) that demonstrates this problem? Once we have a reproducible test case we can file a bug and get it addressed for the next CCS release.
Yes. It is very hard to reproduce it from scratch.
Now I have a company project which I'm not allowed to send you. It produces this problem. And further, now it periodically refreshes the Problem window with these errors. I delete them, after roughly ten second it refreshes itself with errors. It is not only annoying but makes to work almost impossible! It has four build configuration sets two for MSPGCC and two for CL430. The problem appears in all configurations.
I started to create a small project with MSPGCC from scratch to reproduce the thing but no real result. It seemed to me that using MSGCC triggers the problem.
Now what I know: the problem is not in the compiler but in Eclipse. It is related to an automatic mechanism which predicts the C language problems (warnings and errors), with preloading C header files. It happened once that the compilation succeeded, then Errors appeared (a non problematic window was active), I deleted a single tabulator character before an #include statement. This action possibly caused some refreshing because the problems windows started to refreshing itself full with errors.
Compilation log (CDT log) works correctly, but Problem window has an own (silly) life.
Now an other thing what I only think: may be there is a problem with my actual headers which Eclipse could not resolve. May be some files circularly includes each-others. (((In the past it happend. Shame to me but the project is huge.)))
Best regards,