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Code Compoer
I have 2 Code Composder Installations, Windows 7 and XP. Whan compiling some ( not all ) code on the XP machine I get errors reported in the "Problems window, you the compile completes and no errors are seen in the build console window. The resulting output loads and runs as expected. This doues not occur on the Windows 7 machine.
Can anyone explain this?
Than you,
Bob Coburn
Although I cannot answer your question, it may be helpful if you can show the errors that are in the Problems window.
Also, what does not occur in Win7? Do the errors not show up in the Problems window or does the compile not complete or does the output run incorrectly?
Which DSP is this for? Are you using SYS/BIOS?
Bob - please provide a screenshot as Randy suggested. That will help us analyze the issue.
I'm suspecting that the problems views is reporting errors/warnings from the editor parser, not the build tools. Again, a screenshot would help here.
Yes, this sound like just the editor, not the build tools Screen shot attached? Thios isd my third attempt.
I see the screenshot. Thanks.
Could you expand the problems view and take another screenshot? I can't quite make out all the columns in the problems view.
This gets stranger as I go. Initially, I was unable to reproduce the problem. But then when I opened the file that "supposedly" had the errors, the errors began being reported again.
By building a different project, exiting CodeComposer, and then reentering CodeComposer, I can build the project with the false errors as long as I do not open the file with the supposed errors (UnresolvedSymbols-CleanBuild.jpg ).
Yet after that build, if I open the file that contains the false errors, the show up in the problems window( no clean or build) Even though the build was successful (UnresolvedSymbols-CleanBuild-thenError.jpg)
I placed all these files in a zip file, since I can't see how to attach multiple files
Thanks for the zip. The errors are "Semantic" errors from the Eclipse C/C++ code analysis feature. If you select the drop down menu (circled in red below):
Then select "Show' in the menu, what option(s) are selected?
In any case these are not build errors from the compiler but from the Eclipse Code Analysis tool.
Is there any way to supress these errors? Or should I just ignore the "Semantic" errors
Thank you,
Bob Coburn
You should be able to control what messages you see via the workspace preferences. Go to:
Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Code Analysis