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Hello Everybody,
I am a new user of code composer studio (CCS). I have CCS versión 5.4.0 on Windows 8.1. Recently I bought the tiva connected Launchpad. I usually have a problema during importing an existing Project from texas workshop folder. The error mesage that arises every time is shown in the attached image.
I look forwad to hearing from anyone.
Best regards,
Which version of TivaWare is the imported project from?Ahmed Wefky said:I have CCS versión 5.4.0 on Windows 8.1. Recently I bought the tiva connected Launchpad. I usually have a problema during importing an existing Project from texas workshop folder.
The reason for asking is the "Import failed for project "X" because its meta-data cannot be interpreted" can occur if the project was created with a later version of CCS than being used to import the project.
I've just tried to create a completely new workspace and I've tried to import the same Project but unfortunately I still receive the same error.
Look at the "CCS_MBS_VERSION" string in the .cproject files within the workshop examples.Ahmed Wefky said:I don't know the versión number of CCS that has been used to créate the workshop examples! Is there a manner by which I can know that information?
Looking at TM4C1294_Connected_LaunchPad_Workshop\lab08\.cproject, from Connected LaunchPad Workshop version 1.02, shows:
I think this means the Connected LaunchPad Workshop examples were created with CCS 5.5, which means you need to run CCS 5.5 (or CCS 6) to be able to import them.<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="CCS_MBS_VERSION=5.5.0"/>
On further investigation I found that the:Chester Gillon said:I think this means the Connected LaunchPad Workshop examples were created with CCS 5.5, which means you need to run CCS 5.5 (or CCS 6) to be able to import them.
a) lab08 could be imported into CCS 6.0.1
b) lab08 could not be imported into CCS 5.5, failing with "Error Import failed for project 'lab08' because it meta-data could not be interpreted".
Therefore, you need CCS 6.0.1 or later to import the Connected LaunchPad Workshop examples, which matches the Software Requirements mentioned in
This also means that my previous comment that CCS_MBS_VERSION being the version of CCS which created a project is incorrect.