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CCS 6.1.3 cannot find file "rts430.lib"

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ26100EVM

I recently downloaded CCS and installed everything. But each time I try to run "MSP430F2xx_bq26100EVM" found in I run into an error called "cannot find file "rts430.lib""

My CCS fresh install with everything does not have it. Here is a picture showing that:

How can this be fixed?

Thank you!,

Marcoo Zamora

  • Hello,
    the project was originally created using MSP430 compiler 3.2.1 and outputting COFF format. But CCSv6 comes with a compiler version much greater (15.12.x) which does not support COFF (only ELF). The rts430.lib is for COFF while rts430_eabi.lib is for ELF. You can either choose to install an older version of the MSP430 compiler that supports COFF (up to v4.x) or migrate the project to use ELF.


  • I tried the migrate function but it failed. It still gave me the same issue. But using a older version of CCS worked. Thank you!