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CCS/MSP430G2955: MSP430G2955 Code composer Studio with MSP-430-FET SpyBiWire wont connect to MSP-TS430DA38

Part Number: MSP430G2955
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-TS430DA38, , MSP430F2274, MSP-FET

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I have MSP430-FET debugger with a MSP-TS430DA38 board with a MSP430G2955 microcontroller. It works fine when in 4-wire JTAG mode. When I moved the JP4-JP9 jumpers to position 1-2 for testing the SpyBiWire 2 wire mode. it gave me the message "Error connecting to the target: unknown device". I tried using various devices such as MSP430F2274 and the same error. The spec said these devices supports the 2 wire mode. Am I missing some setup instruction in the Code Composer Studio v7 ???  Here is my target configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<configurations XML_version="1.2" id="configurations_0">
<configuration XML_version="1.2" id="configuration_0">
<instance XML_version="1.2" desc="TI MSP430 USB1" href="connections/TIMSP430-USB.xml" id="TI MSP430 USB1" xml="TIMSP430-USB.xml" xmlpath="connections"/>
<connection XML_version="1.2" id="TI MSP430 USB1">
<instance XML_version="1.2" href="drivers/msp430_emu.xml" id="drivers" xml="msp430_emu.xml" xmlpath="drivers"/>
<platform XML_version="1.2" id="platform_0">
<instance XML_version="1.2" desc="MSP430G2955" href="devices/MSP430G2955.xml" id="MSP430G2955" xml="MSP430G2955.xml" xmlpath="devices"/>
<device HW_revision="1.0" XML_version="1.2" description="MSP430G2955" id="MSP430G2955" partnum="MSP430G2x55">
<cpu HW_revision="1.0" XML_version="1.2" desc="MSP430" description="MSP430 CPU" id="MSP430" isa="MSP430"/>

Please advice how to set it up for 2-wire SpyBiWire operation.


David Cheung


  • Hello David,

    Please ensure that all JP4-9 jumpers are in position 2-1. Also ensure that jumper JP1 is in position 2-1 if supplying power via the FET tool. Also ensure JP2 is closed so power gets to the device. Other than that, please ensure that the cable length from the FET Tool and the target board is not too long as this can cause issues with SBW communication. The standard cable that came with the FET Tool should be fine. Both IAR and CCS should automatically detect which method you are using (Full JTAG vs SBW), but if you are using the Elprotronic tool, you need to switch its settings to SBW mode in order to communicate in that fashion.

    Hope this helps!
  • I check the set up many times and still failed. I am attaching the zipped files and pictures of the hook up and failure message here. Do you have an example that I can use to check out my debugger? It works fine in 4-wire JTAG mode. I really need the TDO pin for my design and debugging. I read that there is some configuration file that will enable the SpyBiWire 2 wire mode in Code Composer Studio.


  • Hello David,

    I'm not seeing the zip file you speak of. CCS will automatically detect full JTAG vs SBW. There's not a way to force it to do one or the other. To clarify, are you using the MSP-FET or the MSP-FET430UIF debugger? Are you using the ribbon cable that came with the debugger or are you sky-wiring between the debugger and the board?
  • I am using MSP-FET debugger. I am using the ribbon cable that came with the debugger.
  • David Cheung said:
    I have MSP430-FET debugger with a MSP-TS430DA38 board with a MSP430G2955 microcontroller. It works fine when in 4-wire JTAG mode. When I moved the JP4-JP9 jumpers to position 1-2 for testing the SpyBiWire 2 wire mode.

    From the Hardware FAQs section of the MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide:

    Spy-Bi-Wire can be affected by capacitance on the SBWTDIO pin, so the above note may explain why Spy-Bi-Wire is not working.

    In the CCS Target Configuration there is an option for the JTAG/SBW Speed, and selecting "Slow" may allow Spy-Bi-Wire to work in your case: